Below is my Amicus Brief (which you can download). My "Pacer" application to the Court to be named as a "Party" got rejected (ostensibly because I am neither the Plaintiff [Mary Ferrell Foundation,] nor the Defendant [Joseph R. Biden and NARA]), so I just had it printed and mailed ($108.92 to print 4 copies with color, plus another $51.45 to send via Priority/Certified). In the .pdf file below, I left out my cover letter and the closing and "Assurances" pages because they were either notarized or contained identifying information that I really don't want published on the Web (never a good idea to have your personal information published on the Web). Otherwise, it's pretty much as I submitted it. I had to upgrade my Weekly account at an additional cost of $180 for 2 years in order to upload the 90mb file size to post it here, but hopefully the costs of printing, mailing, site upgrade, etc. will be worth it. The upgrade also means I can post audio of Sal Chiofalo's excellent "Dystopian Camelot" piano music on my home page, and get rid of the "Weebly" tag, so those are additional benefits. I'll re-evaluate when my 2 years is up, to decide if the added website expense is worth it. Still haven't made any money from all my hard work, just spent loads. --Denise
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