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- Some Brief Notes on the AcousticsHome
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- Article: "What Happened - Shot 1" (the first of a series in progress explaining my scenario on this website, without watching the video episodes. The remaining articles are forthcoming).
- Article: "What Happened - Shot 2" (explaining the second shot in the assassination sequence, a "warning" shot fired by a Secret Service agent in Johnson's protective detail).
- Article: "What Happened - Shot 3" (explaining the third shot in the assassination sequence. This is the shot that aligns with the Moorman photograph, but it was not the "fatal head shot" that the Zapruder film portrays--it was something else, entirely).
- Article: "What Happened - Shot 4" (explaining the fourth shot in the assassination sequence--the AR-15 "slam-fire" accident--and how it fits with the witness accounts and acoustical evidence).
- Article: "What Happened - Shot 5" (explaining the fifth shot in the assassination sequence--the TSBD missed shot that caused James Tague's minor wounding).
- Article: "Lee Bowers Transcript" (excerpts from the transcript interview of Lee Bowers that did not make it into the Rush to Judgement film--including that he could see from his side of the fence that there were "no accomplices" shooting from there, and a bit about the "three winos"/three tramps who had absolutely nothing to do with the assassination).
- Article: "" (explaining the fourth shot in the assassination sequence--the AR-15 "slam-fire" accident--and how it fits with the witness accounts and acoustical evidence).
- Article: Why the SBT is BS (a response to researchers who insist that the Single Bullet Theory -- the SBT -- was "what happened").
- Article: "Zapruder Film Alteration" (discusses some of the evidence of Zapruder film alteration, including Linda Willis describing alterations done to her father's pictures, Dr. John Costella's proofs, Doug Horne's "Two NPIC Events," anomalies seen in the film, and more. Also corrects a mistake I made in my documentary about one of my Zapruder Film observations).
- Article: CIA Documents (Presents some of the documents related to the CIA's involvement in the "benign cover-up" of the JFK Assassination).
- Article: "Multiple Stretcher Bullets--AKA The Connally Bullet Revisited" (pulling together the two mutually exclusive histories of "the stretcher bullets" and the Connally wrist fragments, presenting other related evidence--like "The Shanklin Memo," and offering my own unique conclusions).
- Article: "Some Brief Notes on the Acoustics" (Explaining some things about my acoustical analysis, how data gets misrepresented or rejected for ad hoc reasons, Donald Thomas's and Josiah Thompson's mistakes in acoustical analysis)
- "The Altered Croft Photo" (written for a researcher or two on the JFK Assassination Debate" sub-forum in The Education Forum).
- Article: "About that Frontal Shot--and Back of the Head Blow-Out" (a link to a video compilation of back-of-the-head blow-out witnesses and a short discussion of the frontal shot, including the "halo of debris" indicating a second head-shot).
- Article: "Hank Farmer" (a short reiteration of work by Pat Speer and an FBI memo referencing a Dealey Plaza witness who described Kennedy as being shot "in the face"--or forehead, as I contend--with the shot before Connally was struck.
- Article: "HSCA Published X-rays" (discussing how the "computer-assisted" or "computer-enhanced" lateral image is really a composite of the "un-enhanced" lateral autopsy X-ray and the "pre-mortem"/"living" X-ray image, discussing why that apparent bullet fragment trail is just right for a frontal shot entering the forehead
- Article: "What the Doctors Saw -- Evidence of Image Alteration" (summarizing and critiquing the new National Geographic documentary available on the Paramount + channel).
- Article: "Leaked Early FBI Autopsy Report" (commentary and newspaper clippings + JAMA article based on the early leaked FBI autopsy report, possibly leaked by J. Edgar Hoover himself).
- Article: "An Obscure Parkland Witness: Dr. Paul Peters" (describing the Warren Commission testimony of a doctor who speculated on, and heard other doctors speculating on, the notion that Kennedy had been hit in the head by two bullets, not just one.
- Article: "'The Limousine Redux' Reduced" (my response to Mantik's chapter "The Limousine Redux" in his book The JFK Assassination Decoded: Criminal Forgery in the Autopsy Photographs and X-rays).
- Article: "A Flash of Light and a Puff of Smoke" (discussing how the early AR-15 being handled by Hickey produced both of these phenomena that were reported by some Dealey Plaza witnesses).
- Article: "Multiple Stretcher Bullets and the Paul Landis Revelation" (about three stretchers on which bullets were found in the aftermath of the assassination, a summary of my work from one of the Micro-Studies books with updates from the Paul Landis revelation about putting a bullet on Kennedy's stretcher in Trauma Room One).
- Article: (a re-vamping of an article from my old website) "Oswald's Wallet and Police Culture" (about how Oswald's wallet was actually recovered at the Tippit murder scene, rather than taken off him after his arrest, and how the pervasive culture of "testilying" and "police perjury" has negatively impacted the integrity of law enforcement and the JFK Assassination case, specifically)
- Amicus Brief (The Amicus Brief I tried to file in the Mary Ferrell lawsuit).
- Article: "The Supreme Court, 'State Secrets,' and Cover-Up!" (showing how "National Security" precedent has been based on lies)
- Article: "An Eyewitness Inside the 6th Floor of the TSBD?" (Did a janitor eating his lunch on the TSBD 6th floor witness Oswald shooting at the motorcade?)
- Article: "Anomalies in the JFK Assassination (And a Solution)" (A summary of my work for those without the patience to watch my entire documentary series)
- Article: "Abraham Bolden's Pardon" (Doesn't accepting a pardon always mean admission of guilt? No! Bolden's long sought-after pardon was a pardon "for innocence.")
- Article: "Molly Cruz interview" (Ms. Cruz heard that "A Secret Service man accidentally shot the President" over a New York radio broadcast on November 22, 1963. Watch what she has to say about that, and her other experiences related to the Kennedy assassination in her own words. I respond to some of what she says in the text.).
- "Leaked Early FBI Autopsy Report" (newspaper/magazine clippings and discussion).
- "The Shanklin Memo" (placing both the "bullet" that apparently killed the President as well as "the gun" that fired tin the hands of the Secret Service on the same day as the assassination, whereas the Oswald gun was never in the hands of the Secret Service, having gone directly to the FBI lab after it was found by Dallas police).
- Research Links: documentary sources and JFK assassination research links (This is ongoing, check back frequently for updates)
- Personal Stuff (tribute to my Mom [who passed away May 10, 2023], update on my brother [who now sleeps in a homeless shelter], and whatever else I might feel like sharing).
- Contributions and Support (So far, I haven't made any money from all my hard work--although I've spent more than I can really afford for image licensing and contest entries--but I would love for that to change. Sadly, awards don't equate with money. I can't afford to travel to conferences and the like, which is one of the things I'd like to do--along with send my kids to college and fix up my house and take a real vacation. You can show your appreciation for all my efforts by donating to my GoFundMe page. Be the first to contribute!)
- Denise's Fan Fics (My Star Wars, Young Riders, Quantum Leap fanfics, and other fanfics. Still working on posting all my old stories, but you can get started on my well-received "Croyus Four Chronicles," of which I am very proud).
- Contact Denise (Email your questions or comments. I respond to honest inquiries and discussions when conducted in a civil tone. Nonsense texts and suspected phishing emails get deleted, Deliberately rude comments get ignored.)