The Shanklin Memo
It (finally) occurred to me that with the JFK Lancer website no longer hosting important John Hunt articles , that the so-important Shanklin memo no longer is readily available on the web. So here it is, below. I discuss the importance of this memo in some of my books, in my documentary series, and in my latest article, "The Connally Bullet Revisited." I was fortunate enough to download this from Hunt's "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet" before it disappeared, which was my original source for this important memo. It was a "Memo for File," meaning Shanklin wanted a record of it in his own files. Read it, and judge for yourself its level of importance, especially in light of the two separate chains of custody for two separate "stretcher" bullets, as I outline in "The Connally Bullet Revisited." Pay attention to the "Players": Belmont was FBI in Washington, "Shanklin" was FBI in Dallas, and Sorrels was Secret Service in Dallas. Pay attention to the date--11/22/63, the same day as the assassination. Pay attention to the chain of custody of the bullets involved in the assassination (nose and tail fragments found in the car, the "two stretcher bullets" outlined in my article). And pay attention to the chain of custody of the Oswald Mannlicher-Carcanno rifle, which was found by the Dallas Police and transferred directly to the FBI without ever passing through the hands of the Secret Service.
Here is the Shanklin memo: