A Benign Conspiracy has received the following awards (through contest submissions via Film Freeway):
(Newest award is from Golden Hawk Film Award for "Best First-Time Director"--see bottom of this list.)
- International New York Film Festival (Best TV or Web series,“Gold Award”,
- International Independent Film Awards (Webisode, "Gold Award,” Spring, 2021,
- Direct Monthly Online Film Festival (“Best Web Series of the Month” Award, August, 2021,
- Cannes World Film Festival ("Best Web/TV Pilot", July, 2021,
- Docs Without Borders Film Festival ("Exceptional Merit" in "Revolution and Reform" category, and "Excellence" in "Research" sub-category, Fall, 2021,
- Golden Hawk Film Award (inaugural "Season 1" quarterly competition), Best First-Time Director (and, hey! I'm listed at the top of the page!), November, 2022,
Due to budgetary constraints, the number of festivals I could submit to was limited, and I probably won't be submitting to additional film festivals.
I should also note that the script on Coverfly received some recognitions, at one point getting it listed as "Documentary of the Month" and Documentary of the Year" (I think that was in 2019, but that info is no longer up on the Coverfly website). However, it is still on the "Red List" and is currently noted as "#11 Historical Feature Documentary" and has received the following awards/recognitions: Quarterfinalist Screencraft Film Fund, fall, 2019; Semi-Finalist in The Southern California Screenplay Competition 2018.
I should also mention that I presented a draft version of my documentary to a doctoral student at the American National University and his professor Dr. Harry Nimon (of the Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security) in January and February 2021. Dr. Nimon said at the end of my presentation that if I had been one of his students (and my documentary was a dissertation project), he'd now be calling me "Dr. Hazelwood," because my presentation was so fact-based.