A Benign Conspiracy is an award-winning 10-part documentary series. Each episode is approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour long. It presents evidence that the official stories of the Kennedy assassination are so much hogwash. However, there was no "Deep State "regime change" coup d'erat," but only a far-reaching conspiracy to hide an embarrassing Secret Service accident involving a defective AR-15 handled by a well-intentioned agent who had had very little training in its use.
Scroll down for the links to the individual episodes.
Part 1: “The Players”(44 minutes, 46 seconds) introduces key figures involved in the JFK assassination, especially Secret Service agents, with a focus on poor training, failure to follow protocols, and a penchant for heavy drinking among Kennedy’s protective agents. This includes a discussion of Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden, who was likely framed for a crime he didn’t commit, and Secret Service agent George Hickey, who “loved Kennedy probably more than he should have,” and gave Kennedy a very special gift. It also introduces the AR-15 as a weapon that was immediately removed from the Secret Service arsenal following the assassination, and any assault style rifles were not adopted by the agency until fairly recently.
Part 2: “The Problems” (42 minutes, 31 seconds) outlines the problems with the Warren Commission’s three-shot scenario, especially when the minor wounding of bystander James Tague became public knowledge, because Tague’s wounding meant that one of the shots must have missed. Yet the Warren Commission insisted that only three shots were fired. Their original Kennedy-Connally-Kennedy scenario went out the window in favor Arlen Specter’s Single Bullet Theory—the SBT—which was BS. And the SBT wasn’t the only problem. The double-bang reported by ear witnesses, the tree in the way for one shot from the TSBD, and other problems, demonstrate that the Warren Commission’s conclusions had to be in error.
Part 3:“The Accident” (48 minutes, 13 seconds) discusses the remarkable theory of ballistics expert Howard Donahue, involving Secret Service agent George Hickey and the AR-15. Donahue made some mistakes with his theory—like his acceptance of the Single Bullet Theory, his belief in a first shot “ricochet” miss, an his acceptance of the revised “cowlick” entry wound location, but he was on the right track. This section presents the evidence that Kennedy was indeed struck by a bullet from the AR-15, which explains many of the anomalies of the assassination, even though it didn’t happen quite the way that Donahue originally thought.
Part 4: “The Time-Clock” (48 minutes, 11 seconds) discusses the authenticity—or lack thereof—for the iconic Zapruder film as we know it. Donahue’s mistakes were due to his reliance on fabricated evidence, the Zapruder film, among other things. But the extant film is a “hoax.” It is full of splices and composite imagery. There are little “tells” that show the film is not authentic. Indeed, any of the assassination-related films and photographs that found their way into government hands (in other words, all of them) are not to be trusted as unaltered evidence.
(I have a correction in that what I thought was supposed to be Connally's seat back is actually supposed to be a "reflection" off Kennedy's seat back. Connally's seat back, which should be visible, does not appear at all. Kennedy's left arm is still too long, however, and perhaps I should have dealt with John Costella's proofs of Zapruder film forgery in more depth.)
Part 5: “The Images”( 55 minutes, 16 seconds) shows that assassination images—including autopsy photographs and X-rays—are also not trustworthy evidence. The “computer enhanced” Xray images are composite forgeries. The “right lateral” “enhanced” X-ray image, for example, is a composite that was created with the help of an X-ray taken of Kennedy while he was alive. Knowing that explains why the “sella turcica” is “too large,” among other anomalies. Dr. Mantik’s “white patch” and “fabricated 6.5mm object” are briefly discussed. And there is, buried in the HSCA documents, an X-ray image that “flips the script” on what is commonly believed about the commonly found X-ray images.
Part 6: “The Kill Shot”( 50 minutes, 44 seconds) demonstrates the value of witness accounts, especially when the extant films and autopsy images cannot be trusted. The actual ”kill shot” was the very first assassination shot, fired from the Texas School Book Depository window. It knocked out a chunk of skull from the back of Kennedy’s head, which momentarily landed on Bobby Hargis’ cheek (and can be seen there in the Altgens 6 photograph) before landing on the street near the feet of Charles Brehm.
Part 7: “The Four Shots” (51 minutes, 51 seconds) gives evidence that more than three shots were fired, and explains MY “Single Bullet Theory,” which is more plausible than Arlen Specter’s “Single Bullet Theory,” and explains the throat wound, the shallow back wound, the “king-size fragment” that fell out of the back during the autopsy, the limousine fragments found near the front of the car, and the dent in the chrome strip above the windshield. All that happened with the first shot. And the “explosive head shot” didn’t happen with Z-313, but farther down the road. (The shot near-concurrent with the Mary Moorman photograph was the Connally shot.) This episode also explains why the majority of witnesses were likely to under-reported the exact number of shots.
Part 8: “The Five Shots” (55 minutes, 06 seconds) demonstrates that fiveshots were actually fired in Dealey Plaza that day, and discusses the othervictim of the assassination: the limousine’s windshield. The bullet hole was not where many researchers believe, near the mirror, but actually closer to the bottom of the windshield, where witness accounts put it. This was a Secret Service warning shot, fired by one of Johnson’s protective agents. (Note the “phantom revolver” in Warren Taylor’s hand in the Altgens 6 photograph as well as the apparent gun in the sprocket area of a Z-film frame.) It struck the Stemmons sign and ricocheted to penetrate the windshield of the President’s limousine.
Part 9: “The Acoustics” (55 minutes, 46 seconds) describes the sounds that were recorded onto the dictabelt, examines just who the motorcycle officer was who had “the bike with the mic,” and how all that relates to the “Knoll Rider.” Was there really “no motorcycle officer in the predicted location,” or was there a deliberate obfuscation created in the forging of a diagram that has exactly zero evidence to verify its authenticity? Given the fabrication of other evidence, the latter is extremely likely.
Part 10: “The Conspiracies” (53 minutes, 34 seconds) explains why it all matters, and how the so called “benign cover-up” created adverse effects in our society today. The lies surrounding the Kennedy assassination have created rabbit holes into which the susceptible may fall. How did the CIA denigrate honest critics of the Warren Commission? Are all conspiracy theories baseless? The “Big Lie” leading to the violent capital insurrection is a direct result of a culture of untruthfulness in today’s government. Without “Truth,” there can be no “Justice.” And without justice, what’s left (“the American Way”) doesn’t look very pretty.
The Trailer is "age-restricted" (due to its use of a very brief clip from the Oliver Stone JFK movie showing the "Grassy Knoll shooter" and the Zapruder film head shot. The Z-film is now considered to contain "graphic violence" on YouTube. Oddly, the other episodes containing Z-film images were not rendered "age restricted." You must sign in to YouTube to view it, but it can be found at https://youtu.be/piSd64MxnKU
The individual episodes are not restricted, and can be viewed without signing in. Note that the YouTube episodes are small format. (I have larger resolution formats in case anyone offers me a distribution deal.)
The Poster for my documentary series is below:
Scroll down for the links to the individual episodes.
Part 1: “The Players”(44 minutes, 46 seconds) introduces key figures involved in the JFK assassination, especially Secret Service agents, with a focus on poor training, failure to follow protocols, and a penchant for heavy drinking among Kennedy’s protective agents. This includes a discussion of Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden, who was likely framed for a crime he didn’t commit, and Secret Service agent George Hickey, who “loved Kennedy probably more than he should have,” and gave Kennedy a very special gift. It also introduces the AR-15 as a weapon that was immediately removed from the Secret Service arsenal following the assassination, and any assault style rifles were not adopted by the agency until fairly recently.
Part 2: “The Problems” (42 minutes, 31 seconds) outlines the problems with the Warren Commission’s three-shot scenario, especially when the minor wounding of bystander James Tague became public knowledge, because Tague’s wounding meant that one of the shots must have missed. Yet the Warren Commission insisted that only three shots were fired. Their original Kennedy-Connally-Kennedy scenario went out the window in favor Arlen Specter’s Single Bullet Theory—the SBT—which was BS. And the SBT wasn’t the only problem. The double-bang reported by ear witnesses, the tree in the way for one shot from the TSBD, and other problems, demonstrate that the Warren Commission’s conclusions had to be in error.
Part 3:“The Accident” (48 minutes, 13 seconds) discusses the remarkable theory of ballistics expert Howard Donahue, involving Secret Service agent George Hickey and the AR-15. Donahue made some mistakes with his theory—like his acceptance of the Single Bullet Theory, his belief in a first shot “ricochet” miss, an his acceptance of the revised “cowlick” entry wound location, but he was on the right track. This section presents the evidence that Kennedy was indeed struck by a bullet from the AR-15, which explains many of the anomalies of the assassination, even though it didn’t happen quite the way that Donahue originally thought.
Part 4: “The Time-Clock” (48 minutes, 11 seconds) discusses the authenticity—or lack thereof—for the iconic Zapruder film as we know it. Donahue’s mistakes were due to his reliance on fabricated evidence, the Zapruder film, among other things. But the extant film is a “hoax.” It is full of splices and composite imagery. There are little “tells” that show the film is not authentic. Indeed, any of the assassination-related films and photographs that found their way into government hands (in other words, all of them) are not to be trusted as unaltered evidence.
(I have a correction in that what I thought was supposed to be Connally's seat back is actually supposed to be a "reflection" off Kennedy's seat back. Connally's seat back, which should be visible, does not appear at all. Kennedy's left arm is still too long, however, and perhaps I should have dealt with John Costella's proofs of Zapruder film forgery in more depth.)
Part 5: “The Images”( 55 minutes, 16 seconds) shows that assassination images—including autopsy photographs and X-rays—are also not trustworthy evidence. The “computer enhanced” Xray images are composite forgeries. The “right lateral” “enhanced” X-ray image, for example, is a composite that was created with the help of an X-ray taken of Kennedy while he was alive. Knowing that explains why the “sella turcica” is “too large,” among other anomalies. Dr. Mantik’s “white patch” and “fabricated 6.5mm object” are briefly discussed. And there is, buried in the HSCA documents, an X-ray image that “flips the script” on what is commonly believed about the commonly found X-ray images.
Part 6: “The Kill Shot”( 50 minutes, 44 seconds) demonstrates the value of witness accounts, especially when the extant films and autopsy images cannot be trusted. The actual ”kill shot” was the very first assassination shot, fired from the Texas School Book Depository window. It knocked out a chunk of skull from the back of Kennedy’s head, which momentarily landed on Bobby Hargis’ cheek (and can be seen there in the Altgens 6 photograph) before landing on the street near the feet of Charles Brehm.
Part 7: “The Four Shots” (51 minutes, 51 seconds) gives evidence that more than three shots were fired, and explains MY “Single Bullet Theory,” which is more plausible than Arlen Specter’s “Single Bullet Theory,” and explains the throat wound, the shallow back wound, the “king-size fragment” that fell out of the back during the autopsy, the limousine fragments found near the front of the car, and the dent in the chrome strip above the windshield. All that happened with the first shot. And the “explosive head shot” didn’t happen with Z-313, but farther down the road. (The shot near-concurrent with the Mary Moorman photograph was the Connally shot.) This episode also explains why the majority of witnesses were likely to under-reported the exact number of shots.
Part 8: “The Five Shots” (55 minutes, 06 seconds) demonstrates that fiveshots were actually fired in Dealey Plaza that day, and discusses the othervictim of the assassination: the limousine’s windshield. The bullet hole was not where many researchers believe, near the mirror, but actually closer to the bottom of the windshield, where witness accounts put it. This was a Secret Service warning shot, fired by one of Johnson’s protective agents. (Note the “phantom revolver” in Warren Taylor’s hand in the Altgens 6 photograph as well as the apparent gun in the sprocket area of a Z-film frame.) It struck the Stemmons sign and ricocheted to penetrate the windshield of the President’s limousine.
Part 9: “The Acoustics” (55 minutes, 46 seconds) describes the sounds that were recorded onto the dictabelt, examines just who the motorcycle officer was who had “the bike with the mic,” and how all that relates to the “Knoll Rider.” Was there really “no motorcycle officer in the predicted location,” or was there a deliberate obfuscation created in the forging of a diagram that has exactly zero evidence to verify its authenticity? Given the fabrication of other evidence, the latter is extremely likely.
Part 10: “The Conspiracies” (53 minutes, 34 seconds) explains why it all matters, and how the so called “benign cover-up” created adverse effects in our society today. The lies surrounding the Kennedy assassination have created rabbit holes into which the susceptible may fall. How did the CIA denigrate honest critics of the Warren Commission? Are all conspiracy theories baseless? The “Big Lie” leading to the violent capital insurrection is a direct result of a culture of untruthfulness in today’s government. Without “Truth,” there can be no “Justice.” And without justice, what’s left (“the American Way”) doesn’t look very pretty.
The Trailer is "age-restricted" (due to its use of a very brief clip from the Oliver Stone JFK movie showing the "Grassy Knoll shooter" and the Zapruder film head shot. The Z-film is now considered to contain "graphic violence" on YouTube. Oddly, the other episodes containing Z-film images were not rendered "age restricted." You must sign in to YouTube to view it, but it can be found at https://youtu.be/piSd64MxnKU
The individual episodes are not restricted, and can be viewed without signing in. Note that the YouTube episodes are small format. (I have larger resolution formats in case anyone offers me a distribution deal.)
The Poster for my documentary series is below: