Anomalies in the JFK Assassination
(And a Solution)
By Denise Hazelwood © 2022
(And a Solution)
By Denise Hazelwood © 2022

Figure 1: This is just one of the many anomalies in the JFK assassination evidence: (top-left) the HSCA-published X-ray image and caption describes an “occipital defect,” meaning a hole at the BACK of the skull, as the Wikipedia skull diagram showing “occiput” (top-center) demonstrates, and which matches where an overwhelming majority of witnesses (Groden collage, top-right) describe the blow-out hole. Meanwhile, the commonly found “computer-enhanced” autopsy X-ray (bottom-left) and “leaked” purported autopsy photos appear to show a blow-out hole at the front of the head, as in the “stare of death” image (bottom-center) and an intact back of the head (bottom-right).
This article outlines some of the many anomalies of the JFK assassination that have caused many researchers to believe that the President’s murder was part of a Deep State conspiracy “regime change” or “coup d’état” operation. My conclusions do not require belief in a Deep State plot to kill the President, but only to keep hidden certain embarrassing facts of the case, blunders and accidents on the part of the Secret Service. My award-winning documentary video series (available free of charge on YouTube) gives my conclusions along with the supporting evidence. My work corrects the mistakes made by ballistics expert Howard Donahue in his originally proposed theory, and explains how and why Donahue made those mistakes. The scenario I give, although counter to all of the official accounts and notably different from Donahue's scenario, is supported by contemporaneous and factual evidence.
Some personal background: I was once housemates with J.D. Tippit’s cousin, who swore that “Oswald didn’t shoot the President, and he didn’t kill my cousin, neither.” Those were his exact words, as best as I can remember them. In fact, I think Oswald did both, but my housemate was responding to the many anomalies in the case, anomalies that should not be present if the many so-called “investigations” into the assassination were forthright and transparent.
There is a reason they were not.
These anomalies are not figments of anyone’s imagination. They are real. Furthermore, they suggest a massive cover-up. However, there is an alternative explanation for these anomalies than, say, Lyndon Johnson plotting to take over the presidency via the murder of his predecessor.
My journey into the investigation of the case began in 2013, after watching a Reelz Channel documentary entitled JFK: The Smoking Gun. This documentary presented Donahue’s theory, which I had not previously known. Nevertheless, I was not “sold” on the theory—merely curious as to whether it could be true—and I ordered and read the Bonar Menninger book Mortal Error. In addition to some of the anomalies presented in the book, I found my own first contribution to the case, an anomaly in the memo purportedly written by the Secret Service agent so central to Donahue’s theory: George Hickey. The third-person reference to “Hickey” in the memo supposedly written by Hickey was an indication that the memo was actually written by someone else:

Figure 2: Page 1 of the memo purportedly written by George Hickey, the Secret Service agent central to Howard Donahue’s “Mortal Error” theory of the JFK assassination and included in the Warren Commission’s Hearings and Exhibits. Note the 3rd person reference to “Hickey” (annotated) in the “boring” (pre-assassination) section of the memo that most people tend to skim over.
As someone with a background in English and a reputation for being a “Grammar Queen,” this anomaly caught my attention, even though it went unnoticed by Donahue, Menninger, and others.
It was just one of the many anomalies in the case, some of which were presented in Menninger’s book, some in the Colin McLaren book upon which the Reelz Channel documentary was based, and many of which I did not even realize until I began my in-depth research into the case.
So let’s get started. These points below are just some of the anomalies and contradictory evidence related to the case, problems that researchers have tried (and usually failed) to resolve, which can be explained by the scenario I give in my documentary.
Anomaly 1: Numerous investigations that do not agree with each other.
There have been numerous official investigations into the Kennedy assassination. The three-shot scenarios of these investigations do not agree with each other. For example, the FBI and Secret Service investigations concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots, striking first President Kennedy, second Governor Connally, and then finally, President Kennedy again (in the head, killing him). Both of these agencies ignored the minor wounding of bystander James Tague. The Warren Commission, however, developed the “Single Bullet Theory” (SBT) to account for Tague’s wounds without adding another shot. The various investigative bodies did not agree on the location of the bullet entrance wound at the back of Kennedy’s head. There is also inconsistency on the location of the wound in Kennedy’s back or neck, and accounts that the back wound was “shallow” rather than penetrating through to the front of Kennedy’s throat.
Here is a summary of some of the various investigations and their contradictory conclusions:
- The Dallas Police Department investigation was incomplete, and coopted by the Warren Commission.
- The State of Texas investigation was also incomplete, interrupted by the Secret Service removing the President’s body from Parkland Hospital contrary to law at the time.
- The Bethesda Naval Hospital autopsy, which was subsumed by the Warren Commission, described an “EOP” entrance wound to head, with the final report stating the back wound was “presumed” to have an exit at the throat.
- The FBI investigation concluded a 3-shot (Kennedy-Connally-Kennedy) scenario that ignored Tague’s wounding, and which was subsumed by the Warren Commission.
- The Secret Service investigation also endorsed the Kennedy-Connally-Kennedy 3-shot scenario while ignoring Tague’s wounding, and was also subsumed by the Warren Commission).
- The Warren Commission (unofficial name for “The President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy”) concluded “3 shots” with the “Single Bullet Theory” to account for the minor wounding of bystander James Tague, accepting the autopsy report’s “EOP” entrance wound to head, but with “neck” entrance wound (rather than “back” or “shoulder” as noted on autopsy face sheet and described by witnesses), with a published diagram of a front of the head “blow-out” (contradictory to witness accounts of back of the head “occipital” blow-out).
- Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s panel was convened for the Clay Shaw trial (thus negating the need for the autopsy doctors to testify) and changed head entrance wound location from the “EOP” to the “cowlick.”
- The HSCA (House Select Committee on Assassinations) with its FPP (Forensic Pathology Panel) had a notable lack of agreement on the location of the head entrance wound, seemingly at the “cowlick” but with autopsy doctors marking a skull model with the EOP location. The HSCA concluded a “conspiracy” mainly based on the acoustical evidence, which was later purportedly refuted by the NAS (National Academy of Science) due to the presence of a “cross-talk” (“Hold everything secure”), which several other unofficial investigations refute (thus re-validating the acoustical evidence). Note the HSCA published lateral X-ray (shown at the top of this article, Figure 1) with its “occipital defect” caption, contrasted with the HSCA’s “computer-enhanced” X-ray with its right-front defect.
- The ARRB (Assassination Records Review Board) was convened in response to massive public outcry sparked by the blockbuster Oliver Stone film JFK. It reached no official conclusion itself, but took depositions and released further evidence of various anomalies. Various depositions provided evidence contrary to “official” accounts — e.g., Jerrol Custer testifying that a “king-size” bullet fragment fell out of Kennedy’s back during the autopsy, mortician Thomas Robinson testifying that he was “adamant” that the throat wound was probed from the back of the head, and other anomalies.
- Numerous other “unofficial” investigations were conducted or commissioned by private individuals or groups, reaching various different conclusions.
The official government investigations that reached conclusions, despite lack of agreement on specifics (and with the notable exception of the ARRB, whose job it was not to come to any conclusions but to release evidence), decided that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “lone nut” responsible for Kennedy’s death, having fired three shots, all from behind. For example, despite its “conspiracy” conclusion, the HSCA decided that the “Grassy Knoll” shot (which the acoustical experts determined to have occurred with a “95% or better” probability to have been fired from there) missed, leaving Oswald as the sole assassin responsible for Kennedy’s death.
Anomaly 2: Size of the Entrance Wound to Kennedy’s Head
The autopsy doctors measured the diameter of the entrance wound into the back of Kennedy’s head at 6 mm, as noted in the autopsy report. This 6mm measurement (the only measurement ever given for the entrance wound to Kennedy’s head) was mentioned as being in the “scalp.” The measurement of the wound in the underlying bone is never specifically given, except that it is “corresponding” to the 6mm wound in the scalp, so presumably it was the same size. Assuming that the “corresponding” entry wound to the skull was the same 6mm size, it would have been impossible for an Oswald bullet to have caused the entrance, since wounds to the skull are always larger than the diameters of the projectiles that cause them. It is unlikely that a 6.5 mm bullet of the caliber Oswald was purported to have used to have caused such a wound, and the smaller size of the wound was improbably explained as “natural elasticity of the scalp” (in which case, the entrance wound in the bone would have been measured—and one wonders why that wasn’t reported).

Figure 4: “CE 399,” the 6.5mm purported “stretcher” bullet attributed to Oswald). Critics argue that this bullet could not have passed through two men, shattering rib and wrist bones, and emerging this “pristine.” Critics also argue that the amount of metal left in Governor Connally’s body was greater than what could have come from this bullet. They also argue that the bullet's trajectory caused it to “turn” in mid-air, making it a “magic” bullet.
Anomaly 3: Location of the entrance wound and trajectory of the shot through the head
The autopsy doctors described the entrance wound location as being “just above and to the right of” the “external occipital protuberance” (EOP). However, that entrance wound location, given Kennedy’s head position in the Zapruder film just before the fatal shot (frame 313) and tracking to the purported location of the bullet’s exit, would indicate an upward trajectory, as if the shot was fired “from the trunk of the car.”

Figure 5: Left is the Warren Commission’s trajectory for the head shot, as published, tracing back to Oswald’s 6th floor window in the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). However, this head position does not match Kennedy’s apparent head position in the extant Zapruder film in the frame just before Z313 (the head shot). When the head position is rotated to match the head position in the Zapruder film (as on the right), the same trajectory through the head gives an upward angle.
The Ramsey Clark panel later “revised” the entrance wound location by moving it upward to the “cowlick” area. This “cowlick” entry was apparently endorsed by the HSCA, as noted in the HSCA-published sketch.
In his televised HSCA testimony, lead pathologist Dr. James Humes appeared to indicate the “cowlick” as the entry point on the “computer-enhanced” autopsy X-ray, on September 7, 1977.
However, nine days after his televised testimony, Dr. Humes and the other autopsy doctors marked a skull model with the EOP entry location:

Figure 9: This HSCA skull model was marked with the autopsy doctors’ entrance wound locations, marked on 9/16/77. The Humes/Boswell entry location is annotated in the red circle, and the entrance location marked by Dr. Finck is annotated in the red rectangle. The EOP itself is underlined. The “cowlick” entry point, indicated in the star at the top, was ignored by the autopsy doctors.
Thereafter, the autopsy doctors insisted that their original autopsy report, which included the "EOP" entrance wound location, was correct:

Figure 10: New York Times article from 5/20/92, based on an interview of autopsy doctors Humes and Boswell. These doctors were apparently responding to the April 3, 1992 20/20 segment featuring Parkland Hospital physician Dr. Charles Crenshaw (see below). The interviews were conducted as a 7-years-long project (so apparently not an immediate response to the Crenshaw interview) to “help calm the ardor of the honest conspiracy theorists who have simply not had access to the facts." The article does not specifically mention “EOP” other than to say that their original autopsy report (which includes the EOP location_ was correct, and that all the shots came “from behind,” and describes “the base of the neck” as the location for the back wound, contrary to the autopsy face sheet and other witness accounts. This article also quotes Dr. Humes as saying that Kennedy’s skull “crumbled in (his) hands from the fracture lines which went off in all directions.”
Again, the EOP entry location when combined with the reported exit point makes no sense, given Kennedy's head position in the extant Zapruder film.
Anomaly 4: The location of the “blow-out” exit hole in the head
This image below is in the collection of images for the header to this article (Figure 1). Both the image and the caption describing it as showing "the occipital defect" (meaning, a hole at the back of the head) are original to the HSCA documents:
This image below is in the collection of images for the header to this article (Figure 1). Both the image and the caption describing it as showing "the occipital defect" (meaning, a hole at the back of the head) are original to the HSCA documents:
The bottom of the image shows what appear to be the mastoid process and spinal column, which are partly cropped out of the "computer-enhanced" version more readily found online. The fact that the image appears somewhat tilted makes me think that this is the left lateral X-ray ("right" and "left" are not specified in either the caption or the text of the document), due to Jerrol Custer's ARRB testimony that he had trouble maneuvering the large portable X-ray machine to the correct side of the table to take the left lateral X-ray, and he was "just" able to get it.
The overwhelming majority of witnesses from Parkland Hospital and the autopsy seemed to agree with the "occipital defect" caption above. They reported a back of the head "blow-out" hole, in the "occipital" region of the skull, and not a front of the head blow-out:
The overwhelming majority of witnesses from Parkland Hospital and the autopsy seemed to agree with the "occipital defect" caption above. They reported a back of the head "blow-out" hole, in the "occipital" region of the skull, and not a front of the head blow-out:
This is in direct contrast to the purported autopsy photos and “enhanced” autopsy X-ray images showing a front of the head blow-out.

Figure 13: The "Stare of Death" purported autopsy photo (left) and the "computer-enhanced" X-ray show an apparent blow-out at the right front of the head. Note that the facial features are not visible in the X-ray. The sella turcica (sickle -shaped thing at the bottom of the black hole), which is not visible in the original HSCA image, is the only landmark that orients the front of the head as being on the right of the image. Furthermore, the "computer-enhanced" X-ray crops off the bottom of what is visible in the original HSCA image.
Note that bullet exits are, as a rule, larger than entrances, and a “blow-out” hole usually indicates an exit. A back of the head blow-out would imply a shot entering from the front and exiting at the back of the skull, whereas a front of the head blow-out would indicate a shot entering from the rear and exiting at the front of the skull.
Thus we end up with what appears to be both an entrance and an exit at the back of the head--which makes no sense if they are from the same bullet. And no, I don't believe there were two blow-out holes. I accept the "occipital defect" caption and witness descriptions of an occipital blow-out over the images purporting to show a front of the head blow-out, especially given the information below in this article concerning the authenticity issues of the autopsy X-rays and photographs.
Thus we have what appears to be both an entrance and an exit at the back of the head--which makes no sense if they are from the same bullet. However, it does explain this rather odd statement that Dr. Humes made in his Warren Commission testimony:
Thus we end up with what appears to be both an entrance and an exit at the back of the head--which makes no sense if they are from the same bullet. And no, I don't believe there were two blow-out holes. I accept the "occipital defect" caption and witness descriptions of an occipital blow-out over the images purporting to show a front of the head blow-out, especially given the information below in this article concerning the authenticity issues of the autopsy X-rays and photographs.
Thus we have what appears to be both an entrance and an exit at the back of the head--which makes no sense if they are from the same bullet. However, it does explain this rather odd statement that Dr. Humes made in his Warren Commission testimony:

Figure 14: Excerpt from Dr. Humes’ testimony to the Warren Commission (Hearings, Vol 2, p. 360). (Note how, rather than pursue Humes' odd statement further, his Warren Commission questioners change the subject.) Did the bullet make a “U-turn”? Or could there be another explanation for this odd statement?
No, there was no "U-turn." There is a different explanation for this apparent anomaly.
Anomaly 5: Indications of forgery in the publicly available autopsy X-rays and photographs
When the guy who took the autopsy X-rays and one of the guys who took the autopsy photographs assert that the publicly available autopsy images are “fake” or “phony” and “not the images (they) took,” it might be time to take a closer look at those images:
There are other indications that the “computer-enhanced” X-ray images readily available to the public are composite forgeries. For example, oncology radiologist Dr. David Mantik (M.D., Ph.D.) notes that the “white patch” fails “optical densitometry” tests (i.e., tests made with a machine that measures the amount of light passing through the X-ray), because it is so white that it would indicate solid bone from one side of the skull to the other. Dr. Mantik, who received permission from the Kennedy family and viewed the "original" X-rays at NARA on numerous occasions, describes other indications of forgery in the extant X=rays. The "white patch" is just one indication. Dr. Mantik's many articles that can be found online (e.g., "The JFK Autopsy Materials: Twenty Conclusions after Nine Visits," at .(His website has various articles and links, although the website "certificate" appears to have expired at the time of this writing.)
However, one does not need Dr. Mantik's expertise or his “optical densitometry” machine or access to the NARA holdings to see that one of the “fracture lines” stops at the “white patch” and then starts up again on the other side, or that one “fracture” line is actually white when it should be black:
Dr. Mantik's observations are corroborated by neurologist Dr. Michael Chesser, who also received permission from the Kennedy family to view the X-rays at NARA, and who added some additional observations of his own. (See "A Review of the JFK Cranial x-Rays and Photographs" at after an introduction by Greg Burnham.)
One of the anomalies that Dr. Chesser noted with this lateral X-ray image is that the sella turcica (the sickle-shaped thing in the area of the ear) is “too big.” I am pretty sure I know why.
Dr. Mantik's observations are corroborated by neurologist Dr. Michael Chesser, who also received permission from the Kennedy family to view the X-rays at NARA, and who added some additional observations of his own. (See "A Review of the JFK Cranial x-Rays and Photographs" at after an introduction by Greg Burnham.)
One of the anomalies that Dr. Chesser noted with this lateral X-ray image is that the sella turcica (the sickle-shaped thing in the area of the ear) is “too big.” I am pretty sure I know why.

Figure 18: Neurologist Dr. Michael Chesser agrees with Dr. Mantik's assessment that the autopsy X-rays have been altered. Among other things, Dr. Chesser asserts that the sella Tricia is "too big" to be authentic (as noted in Chesser's chapter of James Jenkin's book At the Cold Shoulder of History).
The reason the sella turcica is too big has to do with to another observation that I can personally take credit for uncovering: when I overlay the “computer-enhanced” X-ray with a lateral X-ray taken of Kennedy when he was alive, it shows that the sella turcica and other “landmarks” are exactly the same in both the “living” (pre-mortem) X-ray and the “computer-enhanced” autopsy X-ray, indicating that either both X-rays were taken from the exact same angle, etc., or that the "computer-enhanced" X-ray is a composite forgery using the "living" X-ray as one of its sources. (See -- I didn’t even have to re-size either X-ray to make the overlay.) Meanwhile, when the HSCA X-ray is size-adjusted to make bullet fragments and other landmarks match with the “computer-enhanced X-ray, there is much less correspondence in the landmarks of the skull shape, etc. The “computer enhanced” X-ray seems to be a cross between the “living” X-ray and the HSCA “unenhanced” X-ray, with elements of each, while there is no real correspondence between the HSCA “unenhanced” X-ray and the “living” X-ray (as one would expect, given the landmark matches between the “living” and “enhanced” X-rays). (See Also note that the "computer-enhanced" X-ray crops off the apparent mastoid process and spinal column from both the "living" and the HSCA-published X-rays. So while I don't trust the HSCA-published X-ray to be entirely authentic (note that the "white patch" is still there), it is more authentic than the "computer-enhanced" version.

Figure 19: JFK's "living" X-ray on the left, the "computer-enhanced" X-ray in the middle, and the original HSCA-published X-ray on the right. As previously noted, the caption on the HSCA-published X-ray describes an "occipital defect," NOT a "frontal" defect. There is actually more correspondence between the various "landmarks" between the "living" X-ray and the "computer-enhanced" X-ray (in the shape outline and the sella turcica) than there is between the HSCA-published autopsy X-ray and the "computer-enhanced" X-ray, indicating that "computer-enhanced" actually means "composited mage," using both the living and the HSCA-published X-rays as the source images for the composited overlay.
Accepting that the autopsy images showing a "front" of the head blow-out are composite forgeries would solve the anomaly of where the blow-out hole was located, but then would leave us with the conundrum of how both entrance and exit wounds could be at the back of the head.
Hint: there was no bullet "U-turn."
Hint: there was no bullet "U-turn."
Anomaly 6: Reports that assassination photographs been “physically altered” and autopsy photographs have “no correspondence” to the original images
Before you pooh-pooh this author for believing that the “computer-enhanced” X-ray is actually a composite image made with the “living” X-ray as a source, I remind you what autopsy X-ray technician Jerrol Custer and autopsy photographer Floyd Reibe said about the images being “fake” and “phony” and “not the ones they took.”
I also point out how the family of amateur assassination photographer Phil Willis believed that at least one of Willis’ pictures had been “physically altered” when they got the films back from the Secret Service. This “physical alteration” was corroborated by another amateur photographer, Jim Towner, in a 6th Floor Museum interview with the Towner family. The Willis family and Jim Towner believed that “trains” had been composted out of the photographic images, but there may have been other changes, as well.

Figure 20: Linda Willis, daughter of assassination photographer Phil Willis, told Texas Monthly that “My Dad had the trains in his film. He turned his film over to the Secret Service… When he received his original film back, The trains were not in one or two frames of his film. So I feel like something important showed in that film that the Secret Service did not want known.” See
The family of White House photographer Robert Knudsen told the ARRB how Knudsen described autopsy photographs as having been altered—for example as having had “hair drawn in.” (See
Navy Corpsman Saundra Kay Spencer testified to the ARRB in a sworn deposition that the extant autopsy photographs bore little resemblance to the photographs she processed in 1963. (See Ms. Spencer thought perhaps that the photographs she saw in 1963, which were more “pristine” than the extant images, had been taken “after extensive reconstruction” to prepare the body for an open-casket funeral. However, mortician Thomas Robinson testified that the only modifications needed were a bit of wax to cover a small hole in the forehead or temple (conflicting locations in his testimony) and a “pillow” with the head slightly turned, to hide the damage at the back of the head. (See for his HSCA interview, and for his ARRB interview.)

Figure 21: Navy Corpsman Saundra Kay Spencer, and a few excerpts from her ARRB deposition in which she repeatedly described “no correspondence” between the extant autopsy photographs, and the images she processed in 1963. Among other differences, there was “none of the blood and matted hair” and “less stress” in the 1963 images, a “small wound” at the “back” of the head, the throat wound was smaller, and the “watermark” on the paper was different. (She actually brought a sample of the paper she had used in 1963 to demonstrate the difference.)
Anomaly 7: Different three-shot scenarios and James Tague’s minor wounding
The Warren Commission originally intended to report a “three” shots scenario (first hitting Kennedy, then hitting Governor Connally, and finally Kennedy again, per the FBI and Secret Service investigations)…until accounts of the minor wounding of bystander James Tague (for which there was same-day corroborating evidence) became public knowledge in the summer of 1964. At that point, the “Single Bullet Theory” was invented to explain how Kennedy and Connally could have been shot by the same bullet, to keep from adding a fourth bullet to the assassination sequence. The FBI and Secret Service ignored Tague’s wounding, but there was same-day and next-day corroborating evidence of a missed shot that hit the Main Street curb and caused Tague’s minor wounding. When the news media began reporting on Tague’s wounding in the summer of 1964, the Warren Commission could not ignore it, and so the Single Bullet Theory was born.
A picture of the curb strike that caused Tague’s wounding was taken the day after the assassination and published in the Dallas Morning News on November 24, 1963. However, it was not until the news media began reporting on Tague’s wounding in the summer of 1964 that this curb strike became problematic for the Warren Commission.
Anomaly 8: The location and nature of the wound to Kennedy’s “back” or “neck”
Until the advent of the Single Bullet Theory, the wound was described as being on Kennedy’s “back.” However, in order for the Single Bullet Theory to work, the wound could not be any lower than the base of the “neck.” The wound would have to have been in Kennedy’s neck rather than his back or shoulder, for the bullet to exit Kennedy’s throat and then cause all of Governor Connally’s wounds. However, all of the earlier evidence indicates a wound location inconsistent with the Single Bullet Theory.
Note the location of the back wound on the Boswell autopsy face sheet (annotated):
The locations of the bullet holes on Kennedy’s shirt and jacket align well with the location of the wound as noted on the autopsy face sheet. All of these were well below the level of the neck.
Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, who was assigned to protect Jackie and ran to the back of the limousine during the shooting to protect the first couple, was called to the morgue after the autopsy to view the body in order to report back to the family on the wounds. Note the location of the back wound he described to the Warren Commission, “about six inches down from the neckline on the back” (and also the hole at the right rear of the skull):
The change in the description of the wound from the “back” to the “neck” can be attributed to Gerald Ford, who in 1997 admitted to having made the change. He admitted to being the one responsible for revising the description of the wound from Kennedy’s “back” or “shoulder” to Kennedy’s “neck,” for “clarification” purposes.

Figure 27: In July, 1997, the AP reported how Gerald Ford changed the wording of the wound from Kennedy’s “back” to his “neck,” in order to “clarify” the wound’s location. On the left, from the Tyler Morning Telegraph (Tyler, TX), July 3, 1997, p. 26. On the right, The Dispatch and The Rock Island Argus, Page A3, Thursday, July 3, 1997
And although the extant autopsy report “presumed” an exit for this wound at the throat, autopsy witnesses described the back wound as “shallow.” James Jenkins, for example, asserted that the wound had been probed, and that he could see the end of the probe from insisde the open chest cavity, and that it did not even penetrate the pleural lining. Furthermore, the direction of travel was away from the throat.

Figure 28: James Jenkins’ illustration from his book At the Cold Shoulder of History, shows the approximate location of the entrance wound in Kennedy’s back (black dot) and where the wound ended (red dot). Jenkins cautions that this is a 2-dimensional representation of a 3-dimensional event. I added the blue arrow to show that the direction of travel of the wound is away from the throat.
Anomaly 9: Reports that a “bullet” or “king-size” bullet fragment was recovered during the autopsy
Autopsy X-ray technician Jerrol Custer testified in his deposition to the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) that a “king-size” bullet fragment fell out of the President’s back when the body was lifted for X-rays. Note that most observers and personnel were removed from the morgue during the taking of X-rays to prevent radiation exposure, thus reducing the number of witnesses who would have seen this event. However, early leaked autopsy report accounts corroborate that a “bullet” was recovered from Kennedy’s shoulder during the autopsy, and described it as having first “ricocheted off some part of the limousine,” which would explain the reportedly shallow nature of the wound.
Accounts from an early leaked FBI report on the autopsy changed the “king-size fragment” into a more or less whole “bullet,” that was “buried” in the shoulder rather than falling out but was nonetheless “recovered” during the autopsy. It also described the throat wound as having been caused by a “deflected” fragment from the head shot:
Anomaly 10: Numerous assassination witnesses reported smelling “gun smoke” in Dealey Plaza
Quite a number of witnesses described smelling gun smoke at street level. Given the wind direction and sixth floor elevation of Oswald’s window, it would have been impossible for Dealey Plaza witnesses to have smelled gun smoke from Oswald’s weapon.

Figure 32: Image from Murder from Within by Fred T. Newcomb and Perry Adams, illustrates the approximate locations of witnesses on Elm Street who smelled gun smoke. The wind direction at the time of the shooting is noted. One such witness is not on the diagram, because he was on top of the overpass farther down than the picture shows. He smelled the smoke as the motorcade passed underneath him. Given the direction of the wind and the 6th-floor elevation of Oswald’s window, it would have been impossible for these witnesses to have smelled smoke originating from Oswald’s weapon.
The mayor of Dallas’s wife, Elizabeth Cabell, was one such witness who smelled gun smoke while in the motorcade. She testified to the Warren Commission that she was “acutely aware of the odor of gunpowder”.
At least one newspaper reported that the area "reeked" with the smell of gunpowder:
Senator Ralph Yarborough was another witness who smelled gun smoke. Yarborough smelled it all the way to Parkland Hospital.
Parkland Hospital triage nurse Bertha Lozano smelled the smoke inside the hospital when the motorcade entourage came inside.
Of course, it would have been impossible for any smoke from Oswald’s weapon to have clung to the motorcade all the way to the hospital, or to have gone into the hospital itself. The source of the odor had to be a weapon in the motorcade that went into the hospital.
That weapon belonged to a member of the Secret Service.
Anomaly 11: The limousine’s location at the time of the “fatal head shot”
Despite what the Zapruder film shows, some witnesses described the fatal head shot as occurring further down Elm Street. Mary Moorman, whose photograph was supposedly “concurrent” with the fatal head shot, did not realize Kennedy was shot at the time when she took her picture, until she saw him “slumped” in her picture (which she thought was simultaneous with the “first” shot. However, she related in interviews how she was still looking through the viewfinder and saw Kennedy’s “hair jump” with the next shot, as she was still looking through the viewfinder. Jack Franzen, who stood with his family further down Elm Street, thought Kennedy was hit when the limousine got “right about where he was at.” Even the FBI “Visual Aids” model put the head shot further down Elm Street than where the extant Zapruder film seems to show.
Despite what the Zapruder film shows, some witnesses described the fatal head shot as occurring further down Elm Street. Mary Moorman, whose photograph was supposedly “concurrent” with the fatal head shot, did not realize Kennedy was shot at the time when she took her picture, until she saw him “slumped” in her picture (which she thought was simultaneous with the “first” shot. However, she related in interviews how she was still looking through the viewfinder and saw Kennedy’s “hair jump” with the next shot, as she was still looking through the viewfinder. Jack Franzen, who stood with his family further down Elm Street, thought Kennedy was hit when the limousine got “right about where he was at.” Even the FBI “Visual Aids” model put the head shot further down Elm Street than where the extant Zapruder film seems to show.

Figure 37: The FBI “Visual Aids” model of the assassination puts the “fatal head shot” with the limousine farther down Elm Street than the Zapruder film appears to show, near the stairs up the knoll (as indicated by the top-most string leading to the first white car model), and puts the “2nd” shot with the limousine at about the location in the Moorman photo and the extant Zapruder film head shot. I added a bit of annotation to show where the string lines ended. FBI model found at
On the other hand, there was some indication that the “fatal head shot” happened with the first shot, as the Chicago Tribune reported on 11/23/1963:
Could there have been two head shots? As will be noted below (Anomaly 16), some medical experts who have studied the evidence believe there is support in the medical evidence for two head shots, and there was even same-day reporting by Walter Cronkite that “President Kennedy was struck “once or twice in the head.”
It is my conclusion that one of those head shots came from Oswald. The other one…did not.
Anomaly 12: The “double-bang”
Many witnesses described the last two shots as being very close together, a “bang-bang” or double-bang, although other witnesses described three shots more or less “evenly spaced.” The Oswald weapon required a minimum of about 2 1/2 seconds just to operate the bolt, never mind aiming. It would have been impossible for the Oswald weapon to have produced this “double-bang” by itself. (The discrepancy might be explained by witnesses believing two separate shots as being a shot plus an echo. Clint Hill, for example, described the “last” shot as having “some type of an echo.”)
My documentary series contains video clips of various witnesses describing the “bang-bang” timing of the last two shots.
Many witnesses described the last two shots as being very close together, a “bang-bang” or double-bang, although other witnesses described three shots more or less “evenly spaced.” The Oswald weapon required a minimum of about 2 1/2 seconds just to operate the bolt, never mind aiming. It would have been impossible for the Oswald weapon to have produced this “double-bang” by itself. (The discrepancy might be explained by witnesses believing two separate shots as being a shot plus an echo. Clint Hill, for example, described the “last” shot as having “some type of an echo.”)
My documentary series contains video clips of various witnesses describing the “bang-bang” timing of the last two shots.
Anomaly 13: The “limousine stop”
Many witnesses, some researchers believe as many as 50, described the limousine as “stopping” or “pausing” or “hesitating” at the time of the apparent fatal head shot when the limousine was past Mary Moorman’s position. In the Zapruder film, the brake light can be seen to come on, but the limousine never seems to stop or slow. In fact, some witnesses (like Roy Truly) described the limousine slowing or stopping just after the turn onto Elm Street, whereas others (like Mary Moorman) described it stopping or “pausing” or “hesitating” at about the time of the head shot she saw, before speeding off out of Dealey Plaza. My documentary demonstrates how the brake lights come on in the Zapruder film, although the limousine never seems to stop or slow. This can be seen in my “trailer” at (1:36), although you do need to sign into YouTube to see it, since the trailer is “age-restricted” due to showing the Zapruder film head shot.
Anomaly 14: The “puff of smoke”
Several witnesses claimed to see a “puff of smoke” that they believed was blowing out from the trees on the Grassy Knoll (although the wind was actually blowing towards the knoll rather than away from it). My documentary contains video clips of some of these witnesses (also in the trailer at
Anomaly 15: The number of shots
Although most witnesses reported “three” shots, a minority of witnesses reported more than three shots, usually four, but as many as “five or six.” (Some even reported hearing only “two” shots.) Of the three shot witnesses, some witnesses reported three shots that were more or less “evenly spaced,” while others reported the double-bang described above. Only after news accounts of three empty hulls found in the Texas School Book Depository were broadcast did “three” seem to become the settled number. For example, Mary Moorman described “three or four” shots that she was “sure of” in a same-day interview. She later apparently settled on “three” to match the official number of shots. Moorman also did not know that the President had been hit at the time she took her famous picture until she actually saw the picture and saw that he was “slumped.” It was the next shot after she took her picture (and was still looking through the viewfinder) when she saw Kennedy’s “hair fly up” as he was shot in the head. Meanwhile, the Altgens 6 photograph (which Altgens initially thought was “simultaneous” with the “first” shot, shows that Kennedy was already in the “chest grab” position before he took his photograph, which was before the limousine passed Moorman’s position.
Many witnesses, some researchers believe as many as 50, described the limousine as “stopping” or “pausing” or “hesitating” at the time of the apparent fatal head shot when the limousine was past Mary Moorman’s position. In the Zapruder film, the brake light can be seen to come on, but the limousine never seems to stop or slow. In fact, some witnesses (like Roy Truly) described the limousine slowing or stopping just after the turn onto Elm Street, whereas others (like Mary Moorman) described it stopping or “pausing” or “hesitating” at about the time of the head shot she saw, before speeding off out of Dealey Plaza. My documentary demonstrates how the brake lights come on in the Zapruder film, although the limousine never seems to stop or slow. This can be seen in my “trailer” at (1:36), although you do need to sign into YouTube to see it, since the trailer is “age-restricted” due to showing the Zapruder film head shot.
Anomaly 14: The “puff of smoke”
Several witnesses claimed to see a “puff of smoke” that they believed was blowing out from the trees on the Grassy Knoll (although the wind was actually blowing towards the knoll rather than away from it). My documentary contains video clips of some of these witnesses (also in the trailer at
Anomaly 15: The number of shots
Although most witnesses reported “three” shots, a minority of witnesses reported more than three shots, usually four, but as many as “five or six.” (Some even reported hearing only “two” shots.) Of the three shot witnesses, some witnesses reported three shots that were more or less “evenly spaced,” while others reported the double-bang described above. Only after news accounts of three empty hulls found in the Texas School Book Depository were broadcast did “three” seem to become the settled number. For example, Mary Moorman described “three or four” shots that she was “sure of” in a same-day interview. She later apparently settled on “three” to match the official number of shots. Moorman also did not know that the President had been hit at the time she took her famous picture until she actually saw the picture and saw that he was “slumped.” It was the next shot after she took her picture (and was still looking through the viewfinder) when she saw Kennedy’s “hair fly up” as he was shot in the head. Meanwhile, the Altgens 6 photograph (which Altgens initially thought was “simultaneous” with the “first” shot, shows that Kennedy was already in the “chest grab” position before he took his photograph, which was before the limousine passed Moorman’s position.
Anomaly 16: Two head shots? One striking Kennedy in the forehead?
A number of medical experts who have studied the JFK assassination evidence believe that two head shots struck Kennedy. There is even same-day reporting by Walter Cronkite that “The President was struck once or twice in the head.” (The clip is presented in my documentary.) I contend that the first head shot entered the forehead and created part of the back of the head blow-out, that the initial shot created the “chest grab” reaction, and that it was the actual “kill shot” coming from Oswald. At least one newspaper reported Kennedy's hair as flying up with the first shot, as described by bystanders standing at the curb.
There are other indications of a forehead wound, from Malcolm Kilduff’s initial head point in the press conference announcing Kennedy’s death, to those claiming to have seen autopsy evidence of such a wound:

Figure 43: Top-left: Assistant Press Secretary Malcolm Kilduff points to his right forehead when he announces to the Press that “President Kennedy died as a result of a gunshot wound to the brain…. It was a simple matter… of a bullet right through the head.” Top-right: White House photographer Joseph O’Donnell claimed to have seen autopsy photographs showing a small hole above Kennedy’s right eye, and then later seeing a set of autopsy photographs where that hole had been erased. Bottom-left, photography student Quentin Schwinn was shown an autopsy photograph that looked something like this when he was given a pitch to join the CIA, teasing that he would be privy to all if he joined. Bottom-right: Navy Corpsman Dennis David asserts that he saw a film of the autopsy taken by his friend William Pfitzer that showed a bullet hole in Kennedy’s forehead above the right eye.
Parkland Hospital physician Dr. Robert McClelland, who was primarily involved in treating Kennedy, speculated as to the wound’s existence even though he did not see it directly, suggesting that Kennedy’s hair hid it from his view. A video of Dr. McClelland describing this can be found in Part 6 of my documentary.
This first forehead shot can explain many of the anomalies in the JFK assassination. A cover-up (for reasons discussed below) can explain the rest.
A number of medical experts who have studied the JFK assassination evidence believe that Kennedy was struck by.two head shots, one from the front, as this Vanity Fair article notes.
An indication that this forehead shot may have occurred before the explosive head shot may be the “chest grab” that is so iconic to the JFK assassination.
That “chest grab” bears a striking resemblance to the “Lazarus Sign” that this young and essentially brain-dead victim of a gunshot wound to the head demonstrated when doctors manipulated his head:
The medical term for this type of neuro-muscular reflex is “decorticate posture,” and it is indicative of severe brain trauma. It is not necessarily an immediate response to the trauma, but can be somewhat delayed (as the “Brain Death…Lazarus Sign” video demonstrates, since obviously the doctors did not induce this reaction at the time of the gun shot, but later, by manipulating the boy's head).
In decorticate posture, the knees also lock, causing a leg extension. This leg extension may explain the description that a handful of witnesses gave of Kennedy "rising in his seat." Since the President was seated within the confines of the limousine, rather than lying down on a horizontal surface, at the time he was struck with the assassin's bullet, the leg extension would have pushed him upward before gravity caused him to fall to his side.
Anomaly 17: The limousine’s location at the time of a shot
Although most witnesses reported three shots, they did not report the same three shots. For example, some reported “three” shots with a double-bang, whereas others described three “evenly spaced” shots. Moorman and Altgens both believed their photographs were simultaneous with the “first” shot, which they obviously were not. A handful of witnesses also placed a shot when the limousine had just turned the corner onto Elm Street.
When the different accounts are combined, approximately five different limousine locations at the time of a shot can be found: the first one matching the “turn” witness accounts (my documentary gives a video of Pierce Allman describing where his “boom” occurred, along with the newspaper account of young Alan Smith, and other indications of this “early” first shot), the second matching Altgens’ (and other witnesses’) accounts of the “first” shot, the third at about the position of Mary Moorman’s photograph and the extant Zapruder film head shot, and the double-bang (which my scenario describes as the second head shot, followed immediately by the miss that caused Tague’s minor wounding). My documentary gives video clips, audio clips, contemporaneous newspaper clippings, and Warren Commission testimony supporting these five locations.

Figure 47: These five locations on Elm Street approximate where different witnesses placed the limousine at the time of a shot. Oddly enough, the acoustical evidence contained five “suspect impulses” believed to have been gunfire. However, only 3 empty hulls were found on the 6th floor of the TSBD.
Anomaly 18: Evidence of five shots in the acoustical evidence
Oddly enough, acoustical experts found five “suspect impulses” (noises suspected to be gunshots and their echoes) in the acoustical evidence (dicta belt recording of a Dallas Police Department motorcycle officer whose microphone was stuck in the “on” position—apparently a common defect in the system—and which apparently recorded the sounds of the assassination. The HSCA acoustical experts determined with 95% “or better” degree of certainty, that the impulse at 145.15 seconds into the stuck mic sequence was a gunshot that originated from “The Grassy Knoll.” Government-sponsored National Academy of Science (NAS) later discounted the acoustical evidence based primarily on a “cross-talk” (“hold everything secure”) that critics contend is not a cross-talk at all but an anomaly caused by the way the recording system worked. Coincidentally—or not—the last two impulses in the acoustical evidence resemble a “double-bang” (about a half-second apart), as many witnesses described.
The acoustical experts who studied the Dallas police Department’s dictabelt recording of radio communications involving a motorcycle officer whose microphone was stuck in the “on” position during the assassination found five acoustical patterns that had characteristics of being gunshot noises. One of these impulses, the fourth one, was determined with “95% confidence” to have been a shot that originated from the “Grassy Knoll.” Oddly enough, this impulse was the first one of a “double-bang” (matching witness accounts of a double-bang), with only about ½ second between it and the last impulse.
It is important to note that only two firing locations were used for the acoustical tests: the “assassin’s window” in the TSBD and the corner of the picket fence on the Grassy Knoll. I contend that all five of the suspect impulses were, in fact, shots, but the second shot (whose closest impulse match was made with the “rifle withdrawn” two feet back from the window) was made from a point close enough to the TSBD window to mimic the echo pattern of a shot made from there, and the fourth shot was made from a location close enough to the Grassy Knoll test shot to mimic the echo pattern of a shot from that location. (The acoustical experts placed the actual shooter’s location 8 feet west of the test shooter at the corner of the stockade fence, plus or minus 5 feet. I contend, especially given potential authenticity issues of the mic placement diagram as I discuss in Part 9 of my documentary, that this is enough variance to place the shooter on the road in front of the grassy knoll, where I place him.)
Anomaly 19: Early reports that a “Secret Service agent was killed, too” during the assassination
There were early erroneous news accounts, both broadcast and print, that a “Secret Service man was killed” during the assassination while bravely defending the President.

Figure 49: (left) NBC reported that the Sherriff’s office “confirmed” that a Secret Service agent had been killed during the shooting. (Right) Although a Dallas police officer (J.D. Tippit) was killed shortly after the assassination, no Secret Service agent was actually killed. This clipping is from The Daily Telegram, 11/22/1963
In an obscure interview, assassination witness S.M. Holland clarified that the agent wasn’t “killed”; he “fell backwards” (backwards in this case meaning towards the front of the car because the agent was facing towards the rear) “just like he was shot”:
Knowing that an agent fell over is an important clue to solving the case.
Anomaly 20: “Back, and to the left” vs “forward with considerable violence”
Anyone who has seen the iconic Oliver Stone movie JFK is aware of the violent “back, and to the left” movement depicted in the Zapruder film.
However, that is not what the witnesses described. As assassination witness and photographer James “Ike” Altgens described, the head shot (which he said occurred when the car was just 15 feet from him) caused Kennedy to “bolt forward.”

Figure 51: In 1967, photographer and assassination witness James “Ike” Altgens told CBS viewers that “at the time he was struck by this blow to the head, it was so obvious that it came from behind. It had to have come from behind, because it caused him to bolt forward, dislodging him from this depression in the seat cushion…”
There was also an account by young CBS News Correspondent Dan Rather, who saw the (or at least a version of the) Zapruder film on the Monday following the assassination. Rather described the shot as causing Kennedy to “move forward with considerable violence.”
This anomaly may be resolvable when one considers Anomaly 25 below: “Anomalies indicating alterations to the Zapruder film."
Anomaly 21: A hole in the limousine’s windshield, the “extra” bullet found in the limousine, and the moved Stemmons sign
A number of witnesses described a “through-and-through” hole in the limousine’s windshield, although they located the hole low in the glass, not high up by the mirror (where an apparent “crack” was ultimately visible. There were also reports that a “clean” but otherwise “intact” slug was found in the limousine and delivered to the morgue during the autopsy. There were also accounts (see Dealey Plaza groundskeeper Emmett Hudson’s Warren Commission testimony) that the Stemmons Freeway sign along Elm Street was moved. I contend that these two events are connected, but I do not attribute “malice” to any of them, as many researchers do. The shot didn’t actually hit anyone in the limousine, although it probably came close to striking driver William Greer. I discuss the origin of this shot, the “extra” bullet, and the windshield hole in my documentary in Part 8.
An FBI photograph of the limousine shows what appears to be a pencil sticking through the windshield at about the location SSA Joe Paoiella gave for the hole.
The location of the hole given by witnesses differs from the location of the crack in the extant windshield
There are accounts of the original windshield being replaced at the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan, by a windshield that Secret Service agents had used for “target practice” with a bb-gun. The original windshield was reportedly destroyed.
In addition to the windshield anomaly, there are credible reports that during the autopsy, Dr. Humes ordered a pair of Navy corpsmen to search the limousine. They did so, and returned to the morgue with a relatively intact “slug” that was found inside the vehicle:

Figure 58: One of Kennedy’s personal physicians, Dr. James Young, witnessed at least part of the autopsy. Dr. Young recounted for Navy journalists seeing the bullet that had been brought back to the morgue during the autopsy. Dr. Young mistakenly called the President’s limousine the “Queen Mary” (which was actually the nickname for the Secret Service follow-up car, but he confirmed his recollections with one of the navy corpsmen before relating his story. (See for the full article, or for the NARA content.)
Dr. Young’s bullet is probably the same one described to author David Lifton (Best Evidence) by Admiral David P. Osborne, although Osborne may have confused this with the “king-size fragment” that fell out of Kennedy’s body during the autopsy (see Anomaly 9 above: “Reports that a “bullet” or “king-size” bullet fragment was recovered during the autopsy.” This is probably also the same bullet that chief of Bethesda Naval Hosptal Dr. James Stover described to Lifton as having been brought to the morgue, he thought, from Parkland Hospital. (The Parkland Hospital bullet went directly to the FBI laboratory.)
Then there’s the Stemmons Freeway sign, which was at least "moved" (some researchers say “replaced”) shortly after the assassination, per Dealey Plaza before groundskeeper Emmett Hudson’s Warren Commission testimony. (Some researchers believe it was replaced during the night after the assassination, and then later moved before Hudson’s testimony.)
The site gives some history of the Stemmons sign.
Several people claim to have seen a version of the Zapruder film different from the extant version, and at least one described a “poof” off the sign from a “missed” shot:
I was able to find a single frame of the Zapruder film online in which a “poof” appears:

Figure 61: The YouTube poster’s other “bullet strikes” appear to be nothing more than artifacts. However, this “poof” is more difficult to explain, and may be William Reymond’s “poof” off the sign. From
I contend that the windshield hole, the Dr. Young bullet, and the Stemmons sign “poof” are all related. I think a shot hit the sign and ricocheted back towards the limousine, puncturing the windshield, but otherwise causing no damage. I do not believe this was a “miss,” but the ricochet windshield strike was an unintended consequence. Here is a hint as to what I believe was the origin of this shot: an image from the “sprocket area” of the extant Zapruder film, as well as a bizarre (altered) close-up crop of the same door/window from the Alltgens 6 photograph:
I disagree with other researchers who believe that a bullet strike through the windshield struck the President (or anyone else in the limousine, although it might have come close to hitting driver William Greer). I explain more, including why this shot was fired, and why it struck the Stemmons sign (before it ricocheted off and caused the windshield hole) in Part 8: "The Five Shots" of my documentary. It was not a “missed” shot, because the bullet struck its intended target. However, the ricochet and subsequent windshield strike were unintended, and the cover-up of this unintended consequence resulted in the related anomalies discussed here.
Anomaly 22: Other ballistic evidence and damage to the limousine
There was a dent in the chrome strip at the top of the limousine’s windshield, apparently caused when a bullet or bullet fragment struck there. There were also the small nose and tail fragments of a bullet found near the front of the limousine, the weights of which together do not equal even half the weight of an Oswald bullet. Secret Service agent Charles Taylor's report noted an FBI agent telling him that the dent was caused by one of these fragments, which was found embedded in the front seat cushion. My documentary gives a plausible explanation for how the dent occurred and how the bullet fragments got to the front of the limousine.
Meanwhile, as a number of critics note, the CE-399 “stretcher” bullet is too “pristine” to have caused all the wounds attributed to the Single Bullet Theory, as a number of critics note. (I agree that it is a substitution.). Nevertheless, there were reports that an intact (albeit “pointed”) bullet had been found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital (although the stretcher was not likely to have been Connally’s or Kennedy’s), and reports (including by Governor Connally himself) that the “Connally” bullet was recovered before the governor went into the operating room. There was also a bullet or bullet fragments picked up by an FBI agent from Secret Service Chief Rowley at approximately 7:30 on the night of the assassination—and that time frame does not fit any of the known evidence. In short, there appear to have been “too many” bullets for them all to have come from Oswald’s gun, especially since only three empty hulls were found in the Texas School Book Depository.
Hint: they did not all come from Oswald’s gun. However, Oswald was the only one who was deliberately shooting at the President.
However, that does not mean there was a second “Grassy Knoll” assassin. There was a cover-up of Secret Service accidents and screw-ups, which has led to countless “conspiracy theories” surrounding the assassination.
The cover-up relates to something CIA Director John McCone admitted to being part of (Anomaly 24, below) and the Zapruder film (Anomaly 25, below), which is the source of many of the anomalies---like how President’s Kennedy’s head position in the frame just before the Z313 head shot is inconsistent with a shot entering the EOP area and exiting the right side of the head near the top.
Something Jackie Kennedy said (Anomaly 23, below) provides the motivation.
Anomaly 23: The Jackie Kennedy tapes
William Manchester’s book The Death of a President was based in large part upon tape recorded interviews with Jackie Kennedy. At one point, Manchester writes of Jackie’s grief, “What was so terrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak, that an inch or two here, a moment or two there would have reversed history.”
There was a dent in the chrome strip at the top of the limousine’s windshield, apparently caused when a bullet or bullet fragment struck there. There were also the small nose and tail fragments of a bullet found near the front of the limousine, the weights of which together do not equal even half the weight of an Oswald bullet. Secret Service agent Charles Taylor's report noted an FBI agent telling him that the dent was caused by one of these fragments, which was found embedded in the front seat cushion. My documentary gives a plausible explanation for how the dent occurred and how the bullet fragments got to the front of the limousine.
Meanwhile, as a number of critics note, the CE-399 “stretcher” bullet is too “pristine” to have caused all the wounds attributed to the Single Bullet Theory, as a number of critics note. (I agree that it is a substitution.). Nevertheless, there were reports that an intact (albeit “pointed”) bullet had been found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital (although the stretcher was not likely to have been Connally’s or Kennedy’s), and reports (including by Governor Connally himself) that the “Connally” bullet was recovered before the governor went into the operating room. There was also a bullet or bullet fragments picked up by an FBI agent from Secret Service Chief Rowley at approximately 7:30 on the night of the assassination—and that time frame does not fit any of the known evidence. In short, there appear to have been “too many” bullets for them all to have come from Oswald’s gun, especially since only three empty hulls were found in the Texas School Book Depository.
Hint: they did not all come from Oswald’s gun. However, Oswald was the only one who was deliberately shooting at the President.
However, that does not mean there was a second “Grassy Knoll” assassin. There was a cover-up of Secret Service accidents and screw-ups, which has led to countless “conspiracy theories” surrounding the assassination.
The cover-up relates to something CIA Director John McCone admitted to being part of (Anomaly 24, below) and the Zapruder film (Anomaly 25, below), which is the source of many of the anomalies---like how President’s Kennedy’s head position in the frame just before the Z313 head shot is inconsistent with a shot entering the EOP area and exiting the right side of the head near the top.
Something Jackie Kennedy said (Anomaly 23, below) provides the motivation.
Anomaly 23: The Jackie Kennedy tapes
William Manchester’s book The Death of a President was based in large part upon tape recorded interviews with Jackie Kennedy. At one point, Manchester writes of Jackie’s grief, “What was so terrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak, that an inch or two here, a moment or two there would have reversed history.”
The taped interviews of Jackie are locked away until after the death of her and the President’s now sole surviving child, Caroline.
One wonders why.
And pay attention to the thought of Kennedy's death being somehow due to an "accident."
Anomaly 24: The Director of the CIA in 1963, John McCone, admitted to being part of a “benign cover-up”
In October, 2015, several sources cited CIA historian David Robarge for reporting on declassified documents in which then-CIA Director John McCone admitted to being part of a “benign cover-up” that controlled information being given to the Warren Commission.
The documents released in 2015 indicated that CIA Director John McCone “was at the heart of a ‘benign cover-up’ at the spy agency, intended to keep the (Warren) commission focused on ‘what the Agency believed at the time was the 'best truth'—that Lee Harvey Oswald, for as yet undetermined motives, had acted alone in killing John Kennedy” (as reported by Politico and other news sources). This "benign cover-up" is what inspired the title for my documentary series A Benign Conspiracy. CIA historian David Robarge speculated that the “benign cover-up” was about the CIA’s rather clumsy attempts to kill Fidel Castro. I provide a different explanation for this “benign cover-up.”
Anomaly 25: Anomalies indicating alteration to the Zapruder film
One of the ways in which the CIA controlled information given to the Warren Commission was by altering the Zapruder film, to tell a different story than what the original film showed. There is a growing body of evidence that the extant Zapruder film is not exactly the “camera-original” that came from Zapruder’s camera, that it is a composite forgery..
Alterations to the film would explain why the EOP entrance wound location and the head position in the Zapruder film do not match. Alterations would explain why the “head shot” appears to occur at Z313 although witness accounts place it farther down the street.
There are visual indications of alterations within the film itself, and ARRB analyst Doug Horne uncovered how a second “Zapruder film” was delivered to the National Photographic Interpretation Center for the preparation of the extant set of “briefing boards” (the first set apparently having disappeared).
The Warren Commission published individual frames of the Zapruder film. However, the numbering skipped between 207 and 212, and there is evidence of splicing in both frame 207 and 212. In the image below, note that the top of the tree at the right edge is farther to the right than the trunk, which is displaced to the left. The same goes for the top of the girl (Rosemary Willis) whose head and torso are at the left edge of the latticework wall, and whose legs and feet are between the two motorcycle officers.
When researchers noticed this splice, it was explained as a “printing room accident, and another copy of the film was produced with the missing frames.
Notice what’s missing in the copy version? The sprocket areas with the agents in the Secret Service follow-up car:
There are issues with the chain of custody of the Zapruder film. ARRB Analyst Doug Horne’s reports of the “Two NPIC Events” can be found in various online sources (e.g., and – this one includes interview segments with preeminent photographic specialist Dino Brugioni, who worked at NPIC and was involved in the first NPIC event). The first event occurred the day after the assassination, and involved what appeared to be the original Zapruder film (which was slit when it was processed in Dallas). The second event occurred in the late night hours of Sunday into the early morning hours of the Monday following the assassination, and involved a somewhat different(i.e. an unslit film masquerading as a “camera original”) film that came from the CIA’s “Hawkeye Works” laboratory in Rochester, NY. The second event gave us the extant briefing boards available in the Archives.
Zapruder’s testimony to the Warren Commission is also somewhat problematic. When one reads the testimony, one might be struck by what appears to be a momentary sense of surprise when Zapruder is shown frames that were purportedly from his film. In fact, instead of being asked if the images he was being shown were from his film, Zapruder was told that they were.

Figure 68: Excerpt from Abraham Zapruder’s Warren Commission testimony. Notice how Liebeler tells Zapruder that the frames were from his film when he appears confused, and Zapruder says only that the images looked “like” the film he had taken. Below that, Zapruder says, “this is before---the shot wasn’t fired was it? You can’t tell from here?” Zapruder had viewed his film many times before his testimony. He should not have been confused about what his purported film showed.
That bit of oddness (Zapruder’s confusion) should be taken in conjunction with the oddities that appear within the film itself. For example, Kennedy’s too-long left arm appears to rise in front of Connally’s too-cushy seat back, which in real life was very thin and extended all the way to the side edge of the car, to a height only slightly above the edge of the car. Furthermore, note how the height of Connally’s jump seat seems to rise as it extends towards the side of the car, when it should be level.
Contrast Connally’s jump seat above with an image of the limousine from when it was in the White House garage the night after the assassination
Then there’s the amorphous character seen in several frames, dubbed “stick man” by a number of researchers:
Then there’s the amorphous character seen in several frames, dubbed “stick man” by a number of researchers:
An improbable “circle of light” surrounds Kennedy, and one “reflection” obscures his face in early frames of the film. Notice the “shadows” of these “reflections” on the follow-up car. (This is from Z149.)
What about the limousine flag that covers the too-large hand of the waving bystander (dubbed the “Dark Complected Man” even though the limousine is supposed to be farther away from the camera than the man?
Or how about the lamp post that seems to jump from the near side of the street to the far side of the street in frame 458?
It is the view of a number of respected researchers, including myself, that the extant Zapruder film is an altered product. Understanding that resolves a number of anomalies, including why Kennedy’s head position in the Zapruder film just before the head shot is inconsistent with the autopsy doctors' EOP entrance: the EOP entrance was correct, but the Zapruder film was not.
The Solution: A “Modified Donahue Theory”
The presence of so many anomalies and inconsistencies has caused some researchers to believe that the case is “unsolvable,” or that a cover-up was necessary to hide a Deep State “regime change” conspiracy to murder the President. In my view, any theory of the assassination must adequately address the anomalies described herein. And believe it or not, there is an explanation that does not involve a Deep State conspiracy to murder the President. It does involve a cover-up—not of a regime-change plot, but of embarrassing accidents and screw-ups on the part of the Secret Service. I describe that scenario, and some of the evidence supporting it, in more detail in my documentary.
Here is the gist:
In 1977, ballistics expert Howard Donahue gained some notoriety with a theory of the assassination published in The Baltimore Sun. This theory was later chronicled in the 1992 book Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. In 2013, Australian detective Colin McLaren published a book entitled JFK: The Smoking Gun, upon which a Reelz Channel documentary of the same name was produced in the same year. McLaren added a bit of supporting evidence to the theory, but otherwise left Donahue’s original theory unchanged.
Donahue’s theory was that the head shot we see in the Zapruder film at frame 313 resulted from an accidental shot fired by agent George Hickey. The “Secret Service agent who fell over like he was killed, too” was Hickey, who was handling the AR-15 in the follow-up car and preparing to shoot back at Oswald. When he fell, Hickey reflexively squeezed the trigger, the gun went off, and in a freak accident struck Kennedy in the head. Donahue did not actually connect Hickey’s falling over with the reports of the limousine stopping, but it makes sense to do so. If the President’s car stopped, the follow-up car driver (who usually kept only 5 feet of space between the two vehicles) would have had to slam on his brakes in order to keep from rear-ending the President’s car. The sudden stopping of the follow-up car would have caused Hickey to fall as he was preparing to shoot back, and momentum would have caused him to fall towards the front of the car.
Donahue was right about the AR-15 accident, but was wrong about other aspects of his theory. He was wrong to accept the “cowlick” trajectory (a mistake he made due to his acceptance of the Zapruder film and belief in Ramsey Clark panel member Dr. Russell Fisher) and to accept that only 3 shots had been fired. He was wrong to accept the Single Bullet Theory. He was completely wrong about the first shot “miss.” He was wrong about many aspects of his original theory.
However, he was right about the AR-15 accidental shot.
The AR-15 accidental shot fits the evidence. Ralph Yarborough even reported that “the third shot might have been a Secret Service man returning fire,” and at least one newspaper reported that “Treasury agents in the Secret Service bodyguard fired submachine guns at the building.” (The AR-15 was such a brand new weapon that civilians were unfamiliar with it and frequently described it as a “submachine gun.”)
Such a shot explains the “puff of smoke” reported by some witnesses, and if it occurred close enough to a test shot fired from the “Grassy Knoll” to mimic the echo pattern of the test pattern, it could also explain the “95% certainty” of the the Grassy Knoll shot in the acoustical evidence.
Bonar Menninger later learned that Hickey did not even have to pull the trigger for the AR-15 to fire. There was a design flaw in the early weapon whereby interaction between the too-heavy firing pin and too-sensitive primer in the ammunition it used could cause the weapon to spontaneously shoot in an event called “slam fire.” Sudden movement, say, the falling of the person holding the gun who was standing in a moving car that suddenly stopped, could initiate the “slam-fire.”
So here is what happened:
The first shot (See Part 6: "The Kill Shot" in my documentary episodes) was fired just at the end of the limousine’s turn onto Elm Street. (See the "Boy Tells of Horror" newspaper clipping within this article, where Alan Smith describes himself as being positioned immediately below the assassin's window when he saw the bullet strike Kennedy "in the forehead" from 10 feet away. See also the Pierce Allman video clip within my documentary ["They turned the corner, and then, Boom!"] See the contemporaneous video clip within my documentary of Dan Rather describing the assassination as occurring "right there" at the intersection.) This shot struck Kennedy in the forehead, above the right eye, just at the hair line (see Anomaly 16 above.) It was not extremely obvious, because Kennedy’s thick hair helped hide the small entrance wound from the front, although the back of the head "blow-out" was described by an overwhelming number of witnesses. Meanwhile, on Dealey Plaza, after the back of the head "hair lift" described by some witnesses, the scalp also fell back down over the skull to cover the partial blow-out hole that began with this shot.
This forehead shot knocked out a skull fragment from the back of the head. This skull fragment was seen by witnesses like Ruby Henderson (who first thought it was “paper” and then later realized it was “flesh”) and Secret Service agent Warren Taylor (who thought it was a “streamer”). The skull fragment landed momentarily on the cheek of motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis (where it can be seen in the Altgens 6 photograph) before falling off a moment later (described by Virginia Rachley Baker as looking “like sparks” when it hit the pavement) and landed near the feet of bystander Charles Brehm (per his interview with Mark Lane). Immediately after the assassination, the skull fragment was picked up by Sheriff’s Deputy Seymour Weitzman, who initially thought it was a piece of a fire cracker and only later learned it was a piece of Kennedy’s skull. Weitzman turned the skull fragment over to one of the actual (not fake) Secret Service agents who lingered in Dealey Plaza for some time after the assassination. (See Weitzman's Warren Commission testimony and same-day report.) Weitzman was witnessed picking up the skull fragment by film cameraman Malcolm Couch (described in Couch's Sixth Floor Museum "Living History" interview).
The bullet for this shot fragmented on impact, exited the back of Kennedy’s skull in pieces, which then ricocheted off the limousine’s seat back. One bullet fragment became the “king-size” fragment that fell out of Kennedy’s back during the autopsy (described by X-ray technician Jerrol Custer in his ARRB deposition, and described as a "bullet" in leaked FBI accounts of the autopsy, which also noted that the back wound was likely caused by a "ricochet"). The small nose and tail bullet fragments (which together do not make up even half the weight of a Carcano bullet) were found at the front of the limousine. One of these bullet fragments also created the dent in the chrome strip (as noted in Charles Taylor’s Secret Service report). Part 7 of my documentary: "The Four Shots" describes in more detail the sequence of events causing the bullet fragments to end up as they ultimately were found.
The second shot (See Anomaly 21 above) was actually a warning shot fired by an agent from Vice President Johnson’s follow-up car to alert the agents two cars ahead that there was a shooter. (Part 8: "The Five Shots" contains a video clip of the head of the Kennedy Detail Gerald Blaine describing the low-tech state of Secret Service communications at the time, and how agents would "bang on the hood of the car" to alert fellow agents to trouble--except in this case, the fellow agents were two cars ahead, surrounded by noisy motorcycles.)
President Kennedy’s agents were largely lethargic, having been out late drinking into the early morning hours of the day of the assassination. (See Drew Pearson’s syndicated exposé articles and description of the manager of The Cellar that the agents were “bombed” in Part 1: "The Players"). One agent who was alert was George Hickey, who had not been out drinking the night before, and who can be seen looking down and to his left early in the extant Zapruder film (either at motorcycle officer Bobby Hargis or at the pavement) and probably saw the bone fragment that ejected with the first TSBD shot. But being farther back in the motorcade, Johnson’s agents had a better view of the TSBD window than the agents in the President’s follow-up car. Warren Taylor (one of Johnson’s agents) can be seen opening his car door in the Muchmore film when his car had just turned onto Houston Street, and the TSBD window was easily visible straight ahead, whereas the President’s follow-up car agents would have had to crane their necks to see the Oswald gun. The noise from the nearby motorcycles likely masked the sound of the first Oswald gun shot, and even if they did hear it, Kennedy’s protective agents may have thought the first gunshot sound was a “firecracker” (a frequent description by bystanders). But they were very slow to react to the first shot, as reported by Senator Yarborough. (See newspaper clipping "Sen. Yarborough terms it 'A deed of horror'" above). So one of Johnson's agents (Warren Taylor or Lem Johns?) felt the need to fire a warning shot to alert Kennedy's agents two cars ahead. The safest target was the Stemmons Freeway sign.
Unfortunately, the bullet bounced off the sign and headed back towards the limousine, causing the windshield hole but otherwise not injuring anyone in the car (see anomaly 21 above), although this warning shot may have come close to striking limousine driver William Greer. The bullet was the clean, bloodless, slightly bent but otherwise intact slug found in the limousine and brought into the morgue during the autopsy (described by Dr. Young, above, and also the Osbourne bullet described in David Lifton's book Best Evidence). This shot was about simultaneous with the Altgens 6 photograph, and Secret Service agent Warren Taylor’s “weird hand” was altered to hide evidence of his holding any sort of gun. The shot was covered up, because it was just too embarrassing to have the bullet bounce back towards the President’s car, and because the Secret Service wanted to discourage the notion that any shots had been fired by any of their agents.
The third shot was Oswald’s second shot. This was the one that was near-simultaneous with the Mary Moorman photograph, which was not simultaneous with any head shot. (In fact, Moorman thought her picture was simultaneous with the first shot, as I demonstrate in Part 7: "The Four Shots"), despite what the altered Zapruder film shows (see Anomaly 25 above). This shot from Oswald struck Governor Connally and caused all of his wounds. The bullet itself—or at least, most of it, except for what was left in Connally’s wrist—was recovered at Parkland Hospital. A large part of it was recovered when Connally was moved to the stretcher to be taken to surgery, as Connally described in his book. (Researcher Robert Harris gives a good accounting of the Connally bullet in his article "The Connally Bullet" at
The fourth shot was the AR-15 accidental shot, and was the first shot of the double-bang. The stopping of the limousine (anomaly 13) caused the chain-reaction of events leading to the accidental AR-15 slam-fire shot. Clint Hill described driver William Greer as “tapping the brake to test the tires” because Greer thought he had a tire blow-out. However, witnesses described the limousine as coming to a stop. The stopping of the limousine caused the sudden stopping of the follow-up car. And the stopping of the follow-up car caused George Hickey (who had been preparing to return fire on the shooter in the TSBD window) to fall towards the front of car, initiating the “slam-fire” incident and causing the early erroneous reports that a “Secret Service agent was killed, too” (Anomaly 19). This shot occurred when the limousine was farther down Elm Street than Mary Moorman’s position, closer to the bottom of the stairs, per the FBI “Visual Aids” models and matching Moorman’s description that she saw Kennedy’s “hair jump” with the next shot after she had taken her picture (see Part 7: "The Four Shots" in my documentary) and matching descriptions of other witnesses that the limousine was farther down Elm Street at the time of the second (more visible) head shot. This bullet entered at the EOP, and exited (or at least partially exited) above the right ear, causing only a small hole, which James Jenkins thought was an entrance because he heard autopsy doctors say it was "caused by a bullet." The exit was small because the energy from this high-speed bullet quickly dissipated through the weakest point of the skull, which was the back of the head where a blow-out had already begun from Oswald's initial shot. The energy carried with it the Harper Fragment, which contained indications of a bullet entry right at the EOP location where autopsy doctors said it was. The AR-15 bullet was recovered from Kennedy’s stretcher at Parkland Hospital (see accounts by Parkland nurse Phyllis Hall), and then put back on the wrong stretcher by Secret Service agent Sam Kinney (who admitted putting the bullet on the stretcher to his friend Gary Loucks). (The information about the stretcher bullet is not actually in my documentary, but is in my books. I can give 2 bullets [the Connally bullet and the AR-15 bullet] on 3 stretchers, thus explaining Doris Nelson’s odd statement to researcher Josiah Thompson “They’ve got to stop putting those bullets on those stretchers.”) Back in Dealey Plaza, bystanders heard a shot coming from the general vicinity of the knoll (actually the road in front of the knoll) and rushed up the hill to seek the shooter, but no one was there. The shooter was in a car on the road in front of the knoll, and immediately left the scene after the shot was fired.
Immediately after the AR-15 slam-fire accident, Oswald fired his third and final shot. Given the increased distance to the limousine as well as just having seen the President’s head erupt from a shot he knew he had not fired, Oswald missed the limousine and struck the Main Street curb, sending bullet fragments or a spray of concrete towards James Tague’s cheek to cause his minor wounding. Even though Tague was uncertain which shot caused his small wounds, sheriff’s deputy Buddy Walthers’ report notes that Walthers believed the curb strike to be from the last TSBD shot, given the positioning of the limousine.
Not long after the assassination, it was learned that three (and only three) empty hulls had been found in the TSBD, and that information very soon became public knowledge. Witnesses either did not report any shots that had been fired by Secret Service agents when reporting the number of shots that had been fired (note Pierce Allman’s radio interview when asked if the Secret Service had returned any shots, and Allman replied “This is possible.”--the audio clip is in my documentary). Alternatively, witnesses may have misinterpreted distinctly separate shots as “echoes” (note Clint Hill’s testimony that the last shot had “some type of echo”), or were influenced by the misinformation effect that “only three shots” had been fired (note Mary Moorman’s initial statement that she heard “three or four” that she was “sure of” that later became “three”) or simply were not paying attention due to inattention blindness (note the “Awareness Test” video) especially for the completely unexpected first shot (which may have been masked by crowd and motorcycle noises for bystanders as well as Secret Service agents). There are multiple reasons why witnesses were likely to underreport the actual number of shots that they heard, and to miss the first shot, especially given the “Lazarus Sign” of the decorticate posture movement. Although there are a minority of witnesses who did report such an “early” first shot, Kennedy was clearly struck before the Altgens 6 photograph was taken (again, Altgens thought his picture was simultaneous with the “first” shot, but was later told that the Warren Commission “fixed” his picture as coming two seconds after the shot was fired—which aligns well with the acoustical evidence).
And the rest, as they say, is history... least until it was covered-up in an imperfect "Benign Conspiracy."
Final Notes
My documentary series A Benign Conspiracy (see with a page linking to the individual episodes accessed at the top of the home page) provides the in-depth evidence and explanations for why I believe this scenario to have been what happened. I believe I have proven that this is what happened. However, I understand it is a difficult “sell” for others who are not as familiar with the assassination evidence. Moreover, this scenario is “not sexy,” as Howard Donahue’s daughter Colleen explains as the reason Donahue’s original theory never caught on. Nevertheless, this un-sexy scenario of a cover-up of Secret Service SNAFUs fits with the facts of the case, resolves the seemingly conflicting anomalies, and makes the most sense--without leaping to baseless conclusions as many researchers do when faced with the conclusion of a cover-up.
On a personal note, I have spent a great deal of my own time, energy, and expense to produce my documentary, which remains mostly obscure, and I have not yet made a single dime on it—not even a single donation to my “GoFundMe” request--and very few of my books (available on have sold. I am a "nobody," just a highly educated housewife and mother from New Jersey, without promotional. resources to lift myself out of obscurity. .Hopefully, assuming President Biden follows through with his promise to release all the remaining JFK assassination documents in January, and the government finally “comes clean,” all that will change. My family situation could certainly use any income from lectures or speaking engagements or other sources. (For example, I have a brother who is in imminent danger of becoming homeless, of which I am currently powerless to stop.)
In the meantime, I expect I will remain living in relative obscurity. But if you, dear reader, can do anything to change that obscurity, by spreading the word on this article, you would earn my thanks. At the very least, I feel it is important that those who have been involved cover-ups such as this one know that the truth will eventually be exposed. Unfortunately almost 60 years after the event, it is too late for most of those who were directly involved in the cover-up to suffer any consequences for their involvement. However, it is not too late for those tempted to cover-up their mistakes now and in the future to learn that the ultimate legacy of cover-up is shame. I am not angry at George Hickey, the hapless well-intentioned newbie agent who was handling a defective weapon, a veritable "good guy with a gun" who caused a bad situation to become even worse, but I am very angry at those who perpetuated a hoax on the American public to hide the truth of what happened.
And you should be angry about that, too.
-Denise Hazelwood
(For permission to publish or re-print this article or parts herein, please use the "Contact" form on this website to contact me.)
(Revised 8/4/22 to address typos, fix numbering of figures, and improve clarity.)