Denise's Visual Aides
I took Commission Document 298 containing the FBI's "Visual Aides Brochure" developed for the Warren Commission at and used the images (and some of their limousine positions) to create my own "Visual Aides." The results are below. Alignment with the original Visual Aide is given in the text. My string lines are given in red. Ignore any extraneous white string lines original to the Visual Aide. In some cases, my red line covers (or nearly covers) the original white string line.
Denise's Shot 1 (Smith/Allman/Forehead Shot)
This shot is pretty close to the FBI's odd "not-a-shot" image giving distance and angle. The only changes are that I contend that this was a shot location (per witnesses Alan Smith, Pierce Allman (and confirmed by Ruby Henderson, Mrs. Charles Hester, and others, including Dan Rather's same-day reporting), as outlined in What Happened - Shot 1.
This shot is pretty close to the FBI's odd "not-a-shot" image giving distance and angle. The only changes are that I contend that this was a shot location (per witnesses Alan Smith, Pierce Allman (and confirmed by Ruby Henderson, Mrs. Charles Hester, and others, including Dan Rather's same-day reporting), as outlined in What Happened - Shot 1.
Denise's Shot 2 (Altgens 6/Warning Shot)
This shot is about. simultaneous with the famous Altgens 6 photograph. The limousine position is the same. I was lucky in finding this image showing the proper vehicles in the FBI's "Shot one" position. I didn't have to cut and paste to show the actual blue cars. The FBI model attributes this shot to the TSBD window. However, I attribute it to Johnson's Secret Service follow-up car, positioned on the road right in front of the shooter's window, close enough to mimic the echo pattern for a TSBD test shot, especially given the "rifle withdrawn" test as the best echo correlation. It was meant to warn slow responding Secret Service agents two cars ahead to the danger, and the Stemmons sign was chosen as a "safe" target (William Reymond's "Poof!" off the sign in the "other" Zapruder film). Unfortunately, the bullet ricocheted off the sign, and headed back to the Presidential limousine, creating the hole that was located low in the windshield (not up by the mirror). Fortunately, the bullet didn't actually hit anyone in the car (although it may have caused some glass shards to cause some minor wounds to Kennedy's cheek), and was recovered during the autopsy when Dr. Humes sent two navy corpsmen to the White House garage to search the limousine. They returned with a skull fragment and the intact slug, as witnessed by Kennedy's personal physician Dr. James Young and Captain Osbourne.
This shot is about. simultaneous with the famous Altgens 6 photograph. The limousine position is the same. I was lucky in finding this image showing the proper vehicles in the FBI's "Shot one" position. I didn't have to cut and paste to show the actual blue cars. The FBI model attributes this shot to the TSBD window. However, I attribute it to Johnson's Secret Service follow-up car, positioned on the road right in front of the shooter's window, close enough to mimic the echo pattern for a TSBD test shot, especially given the "rifle withdrawn" test as the best echo correlation. It was meant to warn slow responding Secret Service agents two cars ahead to the danger, and the Stemmons sign was chosen as a "safe" target (William Reymond's "Poof!" off the sign in the "other" Zapruder film). Unfortunately, the bullet ricocheted off the sign, and headed back to the Presidential limousine, creating the hole that was located low in the windshield (not up by the mirror). Fortunately, the bullet didn't actually hit anyone in the car (although it may have caused some glass shards to cause some minor wounds to Kennedy's cheek), and was recovered during the autopsy when Dr. Humes sent two navy corpsmen to the White House garage to search the limousine. They returned with a skull fragment and the intact slug, as witnessed by Kennedy's personal physician Dr. James Young and Captain Osbourne.
Denise's Shot 3 (Moorman Photo/Connally Shot)
My "Shot 3" is exactly the same as the FBI's "Shot 2." The string line is the same, and so on. I did change the vehicles to portray the President's limousine and Secret Service follow-up car more accurately. The original "Visual Aide" image was trying to show all three shots in their scenario, and didn't have enough model cars to accurately depict the President's car in each of the positions. This aligns with the limousine's position in the fraudulent Z313 "Head Shot," but Kennedy was not hit--Connally was. (The "head shot" was a product of film alteration.) See What Happened - Shot 3 .
My "Shot 3" is exactly the same as the FBI's "Shot 2." The string line is the same, and so on. I did change the vehicles to portray the President's limousine and Secret Service follow-up car more accurately. The original "Visual Aide" image was trying to show all three shots in their scenario, and didn't have enough model cars to accurately depict the President's car in each of the positions. This aligns with the limousine's position in the fraudulent Z313 "Head Shot," but Kennedy was not hit--Connally was. (The "head shot" was a product of film alteration.) See What Happened - Shot 3 .
Denise's Shot 4 (AR-15 Slam-Fire Accident)
This is the AR-15 "slam-fire" accidental shot, fired by Secret Service Agent George Hickey. The shot was initiated when the follow-up car had to veer to the right and stop, to keep from running into Clint Hill, who was running to the back of the President's limousine. This was the acoustical match (with 95% confidence) to the "Grassy Knoll" test shot--fired not from the Knoll, but from the road in front of the knoll, close enough to the test shot's location to mimic an echo pattern from there, especially given the 25' left or right variance "wiggle-room" variance allowance from the test-shooter's location that would likely allow for a frontal variance as well. See What Happened--Shot Four..
This is the AR-15 "slam-fire" accidental shot, fired by Secret Service Agent George Hickey. The shot was initiated when the follow-up car had to veer to the right and stop, to keep from running into Clint Hill, who was running to the back of the President's limousine. This was the acoustical match (with 95% confidence) to the "Grassy Knoll" test shot--fired not from the Knoll, but from the road in front of the knoll, close enough to the test shot's location to mimic an echo pattern from there, especially given the 25' left or right variance "wiggle-room" variance allowance from the test-shooter's location that would likely allow for a frontal variance as well. See What Happened--Shot Four..
Denise's Shot 5 (Tague Wounding/Miss/Main Street Curb Shot)
This is the shot that missed the limousine and hit the Main Street curb, sending ricochet bullet fragments or cement debris towards bystander James Tague's cheek and causing his minor wounding. In his same-day Sheriff's Department report, Deputy Buddy Walthers believed this to have come from the last shot, when the limousine would have been in perfect alignment to cause the Main Street curb mark strike. See What Happened--Shot 5.
This is the shot that missed the limousine and hit the Main Street curb, sending ricochet bullet fragments or cement debris towards bystander James Tague's cheek and causing his minor wounding. In his same-day Sheriff's Department report, Deputy Buddy Walthers believed this to have come from the last shot, when the limousine would have been in perfect alignment to cause the Main Street curb mark strike. See What Happened--Shot 5.