"Dystopian Camelot" musical theme arranged and performed by Sal Chiofalo
Denise's Fan FicsCluster F**k Cover-up
So who killed JFK? The short answer might be a lone nut malcontent named Lee Harvey Oswald. (Big surprise, right?) The long answer is more complicated and involves a second head shot coming from a well-intentioned four-months new Secret Service agent who was handling a defective AR-15 prone to unintentional slam-fire discharges. The "Cluster F**k Cover-up" refers not only to the cover up of the events of Dealey Plaza (cover-up of the agent "in action" handling the defective AR-15 as well as other agents' "inaction" of being slow to respond to the initial Oswald shot after a night of heavy drinking) as well as the flawed cover-up itself, which lead to any number of conspiracy theories as researchers poked holes into the ever-changing official stories and altered, nonsensical, and contradictory "evidence" presented to the public. However, when one ignores the evidence shown to be fraudulent (and when the technician who took the autopsy X-rays and one of the autopsy photographers describe the publicly available images as "fake," and "phony," and "not the images we took," it's time to pay attention) and one concentrates on the witness accounts (especially the early witness accounts), and recognizes that none of the witnesses was expecting an assassination, and takes into account the late Howard Donahue's "Secret Service Accident" theory (the gist of which was correct even if many of the details were wrong), the case is solvable, and has been solved.
I am Denise Hazelwood, creator of the award-winning video documentary series A Benign Conspiracy, and author of numerous articles (posted on this website) and books (available on Amazon) on the JFK Assassination. My thesis is that there was a massive cover-up of the FUBAR (F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition) Secret Service response to the shots being fired at President Kennedy's motorcade from the assassin at the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Examine the evidence I present, and see if you don't agree.
If you are new to the site, first watch the (free) YouTube EPISODES (Episodes) of my multiple award-winning documentary series. Watch the episodes in order, please. There are 10 of them, roughly an hour in length each. You can also check out my Awards, read my articles, and check out whatever else strikes your interest, including my "News" (below) and the Fan Fics (Denise's Fan Fics) I wrote just for fun..
So who killed JFK? The short answer might be a lone nut malcontent named Lee Harvey Oswald. (Big surprise, right?) The long answer is more complicated and involves a second head shot coming from a well-intentioned four-months new Secret Service agent who was handling a defective AR-15 prone to unintentional slam-fire discharges. The "Cluster F**k Cover-up" refers not only to the cover up of the events of Dealey Plaza (cover-up of the agent "in action" handling the defective AR-15 as well as other agents' "inaction" of being slow to respond to the initial Oswald shot after a night of heavy drinking) as well as the flawed cover-up itself, which lead to any number of conspiracy theories as researchers poked holes into the ever-changing official stories and altered, nonsensical, and contradictory "evidence" presented to the public. However, when one ignores the evidence shown to be fraudulent (and when the technician who took the autopsy X-rays and one of the autopsy photographers describe the publicly available images as "fake," and "phony," and "not the images we took," it's time to pay attention) and one concentrates on the witness accounts (especially the early witness accounts), and recognizes that none of the witnesses was expecting an assassination, and takes into account the late Howard Donahue's "Secret Service Accident" theory (the gist of which was correct even if many of the details were wrong), the case is solvable, and has been solved.
I am Denise Hazelwood, creator of the award-winning video documentary series A Benign Conspiracy, and author of numerous articles (posted on this website) and books (available on Amazon) on the JFK Assassination. My thesis is that there was a massive cover-up of the FUBAR (F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition) Secret Service response to the shots being fired at President Kennedy's motorcade from the assassin at the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Examine the evidence I present, and see if you don't agree.
If you are new to the site, first watch the (free) YouTube EPISODES (Episodes) of my multiple award-winning documentary series. Watch the episodes in order, please. There are 10 of them, roughly an hour in length each. You can also check out my Awards, read my articles, and check out whatever else strikes your interest, including my "News" (below) and the Fan Fics (Denise's Fan Fics) I wrote just for fun..
Latest News:
(January, 2025)
About that Trump Executive Order promising to release "everything": Apparently, it is an order for a "plan" to release everything. We'll see what happens.
(July, 2024)
My Dad, Carl E. Hazelwood, passed away at about 10:35 am on Thursday, July 18, at the Heritage Hall nursing home in Rich Creek, Virginia. Along with my step-mother Charlotte and her daughter, two of my brothers, one sister, and I were at his side when he passed. His obituary can be found at:
Other things:
1. The Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit isn't quite finished yet. According to the MFF website, an appeal has been filed. We will have to wait and see what develops.
2. If anyone is interested in reading my non-JFKA-related "FanFics," I've started posting them on this website, at https://www.a-benign-conspiracy.com/denises-fan-fics.html. Feel free to check out my Star Wars FanFics (I'll get the others up later), and if you like any of them, drop me a line. I'm vert proud of my "Heroine's Journeys" depicted in these stories, especially Brenna's (Luke's daughter's) journey [taking up all but the first story posted here], and will take all the "good feels" I can get. If nothing else, you'll get a clue of how the imaginative part of my brain works. I had previously posted these on FanFiction.net (receiving some very nice reviews), but didn't realize all the "typo" and "continuity" errors that needed to be fixed. Those are fixed (I think) here.
3. I am in the process of trying to get a transcript of the Lee Bowers' interview from Rush to Judgement, the redacted (edited out) portions of which should clear up up the mistaken notion of any shooter "behind the picket fence." (I know from other sources leading me to the transcript that Bowers specifically told Mark Lane that there was no shooter behind the fence, but of course that didn't fit the narrative that RTJ wanted to tell.) My contact at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison wanted assurances from me about not publishing any part of the transcript without their permission. I responded with citations about the "Fair Use" aspect of copyright law as well as the "public interest" aspect of the Life vs. Josiah Thompson decision regarding the Zapruder film, and I believe we have reached an agreement. I will let them know which pages I want to publish, and appropriately cite the Center for the transcript (which I would have done in any case). Hopefully I will receive the RTJ transcript soon. I confess that my initial response to their communication about copyright was anger. I am convinced that "copyright infringement" was a tool to keep the Zapruder film and other evidence out of the public eye, and potentially intimidate researchers from revealing important information about the JFKA. But in this case, my anger may have been premature. Stay tuned for further developments. (Update: I received the transcript, but with my Dad's passing, I haven't really looked at it yet.)
4. I have finally learned how to put an MP3 file on my website, so you can now listen to Sal Chiofalo's fabulous rendition of the "Dystopian Camelot" theme that he so kindly created for my documentary series. This is the full-length version before I started shortening and lengthening and otherwise editing to fit my documentary episodes. Mr. Chiofalo played a verse of the original theme before switching to the minor key, to create the contrast between the upbeat "happy" Camelot, and the "dystopian" version. The man is a piano-genius (You should hear him play "Bumble Boogie"), and his daughter (a former American Idol contestant) is a damn fine piano player and teacher (and vocalist), as well. Enjoy!
5. SOMEONE has hacked into my LinkedIn account, and someone is TRYING to hack into my Facebook account! I haven't used LinkedIn in ages, probably a decade or longer. But my password was recently changed, apparently by someone in Sangor, TX, and I DIDN'T DO IT!! I can no longer access LinkedIn, and anything recent posted there is NOT MY DOING!! Someone is also trying to hack into my Facebook account! I am getting messages about requests to "reset (my) Facebook password" also! I am more than a little peeved about this!!!!
(May, 2024)
Sorry for the long delay, but I've been working on a few new articles. My current project is to put my scenario out there in web-page format (updated with the latest new information, of course), discussing my five-shot scenario in order. Working on it--not done yet.
I've recently learned how to embed "Anchor Links" or "Jump Links," so that at the top of a page, you can click on the name of a section inside a long article, and jump right to that section, without having to scroll down. Neat, huh?
I've also figured out how to embed YouTube videos, so you can watch the video right on my webpage without having to click on the link. Woo hoo! I didn't figure that out until "Shot 3" of my article series, but I will certainly incorporate it from now on, and if I get the chance, I may go back and add Anchor Links and embed the videos into other pages.
I am frustrated by the way things seem to keep disappearing. For example, while working on "Shot 3" article, I learned that the "Antique Mall" 5-video series of an in-depth Mary Moorman interview is now designated as "Private," so I can't link to the video where she specifically describes Kennedy's "hair lift" as occurring with the next shot after she took her picture. John Hunt's article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet" is also no longer at the JFK Lancer website, but at least I got the Shanklin memo downloaded back when I first found his article. I've preserved that on my website, but sadly I can't remember the box number, etc. in which Hunt found the Shanklin memo. But references to Hunt's article still exist around the web, and those who read Hunt's article before the JFK Lancer website went defunct should know I didn't make this up. THat's where it was originally. I've re-posted it here. But trying to find it on the NARA website is impossible.
I am sorely disappointed with the lack of any real positive outcome with the Mary Ferrell Foundation's lawsuit against Biden, et.al. One positive outcome is that NARA was ordered to make their database more "user-friendly," so maybe Shanklin memo will become find-able directly on the NARA website in the not-too-distant future. I imagine that there will be a lot of foot-dragging, however.
One would think that the government (represented by Biden) would rather admit to the friendly fire accident than to allow the "Deep State Coup d'état" theories to continue perpetuating. One would be wrong. I like Biden, I really do--at least, I like him better than Trump--but I don't like the continued withholding of documents related to the JFK Assassination, and the failure to come clean about what happened.
Come on, Biden! No one is blaming you for what happened in 1963! But enough is enough already!
About that Trump Executive Order promising to release "everything": Apparently, it is an order for a "plan" to release everything. We'll see what happens.
(July, 2024)
My Dad, Carl E. Hazelwood, passed away at about 10:35 am on Thursday, July 18, at the Heritage Hall nursing home in Rich Creek, Virginia. Along with my step-mother Charlotte and her daughter, two of my brothers, one sister, and I were at his side when he passed. His obituary can be found at:
Other things:
1. The Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit isn't quite finished yet. According to the MFF website, an appeal has been filed. We will have to wait and see what develops.
2. If anyone is interested in reading my non-JFKA-related "FanFics," I've started posting them on this website, at https://www.a-benign-conspiracy.com/denises-fan-fics.html. Feel free to check out my Star Wars FanFics (I'll get the others up later), and if you like any of them, drop me a line. I'm vert proud of my "Heroine's Journeys" depicted in these stories, especially Brenna's (Luke's daughter's) journey [taking up all but the first story posted here], and will take all the "good feels" I can get. If nothing else, you'll get a clue of how the imaginative part of my brain works. I had previously posted these on FanFiction.net (receiving some very nice reviews), but didn't realize all the "typo" and "continuity" errors that needed to be fixed. Those are fixed (I think) here.
3. I am in the process of trying to get a transcript of the Lee Bowers' interview from Rush to Judgement, the redacted (edited out) portions of which should clear up up the mistaken notion of any shooter "behind the picket fence." (I know from other sources leading me to the transcript that Bowers specifically told Mark Lane that there was no shooter behind the fence, but of course that didn't fit the narrative that RTJ wanted to tell.) My contact at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison wanted assurances from me about not publishing any part of the transcript without their permission. I responded with citations about the "Fair Use" aspect of copyright law as well as the "public interest" aspect of the Life vs. Josiah Thompson decision regarding the Zapruder film, and I believe we have reached an agreement. I will let them know which pages I want to publish, and appropriately cite the Center for the transcript (which I would have done in any case). Hopefully I will receive the RTJ transcript soon. I confess that my initial response to their communication about copyright was anger. I am convinced that "copyright infringement" was a tool to keep the Zapruder film and other evidence out of the public eye, and potentially intimidate researchers from revealing important information about the JFKA. But in this case, my anger may have been premature. Stay tuned for further developments. (Update: I received the transcript, but with my Dad's passing, I haven't really looked at it yet.)
4. I have finally learned how to put an MP3 file on my website, so you can now listen to Sal Chiofalo's fabulous rendition of the "Dystopian Camelot" theme that he so kindly created for my documentary series. This is the full-length version before I started shortening and lengthening and otherwise editing to fit my documentary episodes. Mr. Chiofalo played a verse of the original theme before switching to the minor key, to create the contrast between the upbeat "happy" Camelot, and the "dystopian" version. The man is a piano-genius (You should hear him play "Bumble Boogie"), and his daughter (a former American Idol contestant) is a damn fine piano player and teacher (and vocalist), as well. Enjoy!
5. SOMEONE has hacked into my LinkedIn account, and someone is TRYING to hack into my Facebook account! I haven't used LinkedIn in ages, probably a decade or longer. But my password was recently changed, apparently by someone in Sangor, TX, and I DIDN'T DO IT!! I can no longer access LinkedIn, and anything recent posted there is NOT MY DOING!! Someone is also trying to hack into my Facebook account! I am getting messages about requests to "reset (my) Facebook password" also! I am more than a little peeved about this!!!!
(May, 2024)
Sorry for the long delay, but I've been working on a few new articles. My current project is to put my scenario out there in web-page format (updated with the latest new information, of course), discussing my five-shot scenario in order. Working on it--not done yet.
I've recently learned how to embed "Anchor Links" or "Jump Links," so that at the top of a page, you can click on the name of a section inside a long article, and jump right to that section, without having to scroll down. Neat, huh?
I've also figured out how to embed YouTube videos, so you can watch the video right on my webpage without having to click on the link. Woo hoo! I didn't figure that out until "Shot 3" of my article series, but I will certainly incorporate it from now on, and if I get the chance, I may go back and add Anchor Links and embed the videos into other pages.
I am frustrated by the way things seem to keep disappearing. For example, while working on "Shot 3" article, I learned that the "Antique Mall" 5-video series of an in-depth Mary Moorman interview is now designated as "Private," so I can't link to the video where she specifically describes Kennedy's "hair lift" as occurring with the next shot after she took her picture. John Hunt's article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet" is also no longer at the JFK Lancer website, but at least I got the Shanklin memo downloaded back when I first found his article. I've preserved that on my website, but sadly I can't remember the box number, etc. in which Hunt found the Shanklin memo. But references to Hunt's article still exist around the web, and those who read Hunt's article before the JFK Lancer website went defunct should know I didn't make this up. THat's where it was originally. I've re-posted it here. But trying to find it on the NARA website is impossible.
I am sorely disappointed with the lack of any real positive outcome with the Mary Ferrell Foundation's lawsuit against Biden, et.al. One positive outcome is that NARA was ordered to make their database more "user-friendly," so maybe Shanklin memo will become find-able directly on the NARA website in the not-too-distant future. I imagine that there will be a lot of foot-dragging, however.
One would think that the government (represented by Biden) would rather admit to the friendly fire accident than to allow the "Deep State Coup d'état" theories to continue perpetuating. One would be wrong. I like Biden, I really do--at least, I like him better than Trump--but I don't like the continued withholding of documents related to the JFK Assassination, and the failure to come clean about what happened.
Come on, Biden! No one is blaming you for what happened in 1963! But enough is enough already!
(February, 2024)
I had meant to create a "Bonus Episode" to my documentary series on the "Multiple Stretcher Bullets." However, with my Mom's decline and then her passing, I never got around to it. But the recent Paul Landis revelation has stirred up a renewed interest in the case, and so instead of creating another episode to my documentary series, I've written an article: "Multiple Stretcher Bullets AKA The Connally Bullet Revisited." Among other things, article contains "The Shanklin Memo," which I had pulled off the late John Hunt's article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet." Hunt's article is no longer available on the JFKLancer site, so aside from being shown in one of my documentary videos, this is about the only place you can find it. Presumably it's buried in the NARA documents somewhere, but finding it on their websites a daunting challenge. (If anyone can provide the NARA link to that document, I'd be very grateful.) Otherwise, the article pulls together all the information about the mutually exclusive history of "the two stretcher bullets" and the Connally wrist fragments, and adds some unique observations and conclusions about existing evidence. Again, you can read it here.
(January, 2024)
While working on my screenplay, I was re-reading the Parkland doctor testimonies, and realized that one obscure witness, Dr. Paul Peters, had something very interesting to say--namely, that the Parkland doctors were speculating, while JFK was in Trauma Room One, whether he had been shot in the head once or twice. You can read about it here.
(December, 2023)
No surprise that there is yet another delay in the Mary Ferrell lawsuit. There was a ruling on December 14 on the Mary Ferrell et. al. motion for "Preliminary Injunction: Declaratory Relief, or Mandamus Ordering NARA to Publicly Disclose Legislative Records Pursuant to the JFK Records Act," and the ruling was to set a hearing on January 18, 2024. There was a subsequent "amendment" filing by Mary Ferrell et. al. on December 18 "to order NARA to Collect All Assassination Records and to Halt Advising Researchers to File FOIA Actions Rather than JFK Act Requests" (apparently to reduce the run-around researchers are faced with when requesting documents, but does not really address how user-unfriendly the NARA website is.) So we will have to wait until the later half of January to see if anything new develops. (I let my Pacer account expire, since finances are so tight, but you can get the gist of what's going on by going to https://pacermonitor.com and search for "Mary Ferrell Foundation, Inc. v. Biden et al". The Mary Ferrell website posts more details at no charge, at https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/JFK_Records_Lawsuit.html, but it takes them a while to update their site with the info, and they're somewhat selective about what they post.)
Well, the Mary Ferrell lawsuit ain't quite over just yet. Despite all the disappointments so far, there is another hearing set for December 14. You can read about the most recent developments on the Mary Ferrell website here.
In other news, I've been following a few JFK assassination podcasters lately. One is JFK: The Enduring Secret by Jeff Crudele, which is a very long and very detailed (nearly 200 episodes so far) collection of "wanderings" about the JFK Assassination. I'd recommend it, except in Episode 195, he dismisses the "Hickey did it" theory calling it "a completely unfounded rumor or theory." I tried to email Crudele to tell him that he had thrown the baby out with the bathwater in his premature dismissal, but have not heard back. Crudele also, apparently, believes that the Zapruder Film is authentic. *Sigh.*
Another podcaster is Rob Reiner, who is releasing weekly episodes of a podcast Who Killed JFK, with Soledad O'Brien. Reiner told MSNBC's Ari Melber that he had "solved" the JFK Assassination. It remains to be seen where this podcast is going. (I once wrote to MSNBC, among others, suggesting that they look at my work, but heard back crickets. Then again, I don't have the Hollywood fame that Reiner has.) I wrote to Soledad O'Brien, as the only contact I could find, and like Crudele, like MSNBC, like so many others I have tried to contact over the years...more crickets.
Unless you're already famous (like Reiner), it is impossible to gain any attention for doing something remarkable and important. When I did my local library presentation last year, I tried to contact the local press, but they weren't interested. This year, my library presentation didn't happen because of issues at the library and some of my own medical issues. We're scheduling my library presentation for after the New Year, but attendance the last few years has been very small--either Covid-related, or people just don't care. I don't know which, but it's very frustrating.
Meanwhile, now that my Mom is gone, I've been more actively looking for work. There was an English teacher position in my local school district that I applied for (my "Letter of Excellence" for my performance on the Praxis test to get my NJ certification makes me a "Highly Qualified" candidate). I didn't get the job (although there were some interview questions that I wish I had answered differently, I suspect that they didn't want to hire a woman in her 60's), so I have plenty of time to work on my screenplay project.
It's just so frustrating that with the slow-walking of the government agencies' "transparency plans" and the refusal of the government to admit to the cover-up, it seems that day will come later rather than sooner.
In the meantime, I remain a Cassandra--I know I'm right, but no one listens to me.
(November, 2023)
National Geographic has a new documentary out this month, available on the Paramount + Channel (subscription required) entitled JFK: What the Doctors Saw, featuring "never before aired" 2013 clips from a gathering of Parkland Hospital doctors who saw JFK in Trauma Room One. Their remarks only further prove that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were intentionally altered. This documentary also has some very brief clips of Floyd Reibe and Jerrol Custer, the individuals who actually took the pictures and the autopsy X-rays, who hold up pictures showing an intact back of the head while describing that area as being "gone." Read my summary of JFK: What the Doctors Saw here. I am hopeful that with the release of this documentary, people will start to recognize the lengths to which certain people in our government were willing to go to cover up the truth of what happened, especially revolving around the AR-15 accident and the Secret Service inaction to the first shot. The Nat Geo documentary implies that the frontal shot came from the Triple Underpass, but Part 6: "The Kill Shot" of my documentary gives witnesses who put it as the first shot in the assassination sequence, near the corner of Houston and Elm, and attribute that shot to the 6th floor TSBD (Oswald).
In other news, the Mary Ferrell lawsuit ain't quite over just yet. Apparently there is another hearing set for December 10 to deal with the "Transparency" Plans of NARA, the Secret Service, etc. The "Transparency" plans are currently anything but transparent. Some of that may be related to the extremely user-unfriendly database that NARA publicly operates. Try searching NARA for the "HSCA Secret Service Agents' Interviews," for example. Or the "FBI Gemberling Report." You can't find 'em. The JFK Lancer site used to have the HSCA interviews, but the JFK Lancer site doesn't work any more. (They're also the ones who hosted the John Hunt article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet"--and try finding the documents Hunt posted in his article on the NARA website! They can't be readily found, either. The Mary Ferrell website has the Gemberling report, if you dig around deep enough, but it takes a bit of doing.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination, and it's super frustrating that there is STILL no admission of culpability in the alteration of evidence (autopsy images and Zapruder film), much less a release of the remaining documents. In the meantime, I keep plugging away, despite the lack of money or recognition. Maybe someday, eventually, it will all pay off. I'm working on a screen play to dramatize what happened, but probably that, too, will be for nothing. Nevertheless, I persist.
In the meantime, I learned the name of the FBI agent that Hickey assaulted at Parkland Hospital (J. Doyle Williams). There was some hearsay account that Williams was the one who put the bullet on the stretcher, but since Williams' jaw was broken and all that happened very shortly after Kennedy arrived at Parkland (when Charles Crenshaw was on his way to Trauma Room One), I have my doubts that Willams actually had anything to do with the stretcher bullet. He may, however, have seen Landis putting it on the stretcher, or tried to obtain the bullet on behalf of the FBI after it was taken out of the room--and that may have been when he got clobbered by Hickey. It is apparent in Williams' accounts that Roy Kellerman was also present when the event happened, and after the assault, Kellerman leaned over Williams and told Williams, "Perhaps you'd better leave." The friend who gave me Williams' name told me that Williams had sued the Secret Service for the assault. I haven't been able to verify that yet, but there is a memo (from D.J. Brennan, Jr. to V.C. Sullivan, dated 2/13/64) describing how the FBI "Liaison Agent Bartlett" visited Secret Service Chief Rowley and got an apology on behalf of the Secret Service. Perhaps that apology was accepted, since Williams apparently was the Connally stand-in for the Secret Service re-enactment of the assassination. Go figure.
(October, 2023)
I put the information I had previously posted in September's News about the Paul Landis revelation into its own web page. You can find my article "Multiple Stretcher Bullets and the Paul Landis Revelation" here.
I wrote a short piece about the "Flash of Light and Puff of Smoke" some witnesses reported seeing in Dealey Plaza, linking them to the AR-15. You can read it here.
I also wrote a rebuttal to Dr. David Mantik's chapter "The Limousine Redux" in his new book The JFK Assassination Decoded: Criminal Forgery in the AutopsyPhotographs and X-rays. Nobody knows more about the JFK X-rays than Dr. Mantik, but that is really where his expertise ends. He made some mistakes in evaluating other evidence, and his glass shard causing the throat wound theory, while interesting, is wrong. I explain why. You can read more about it in "'The Limousine Redux' Reduced" here.
I also just re-vamped an article from my old website, about how Oswald's wallet was really found at the Tippit murder scene (rather than taken off him in the police car after he was arrested) and discuss the culture of law enforcement "testilying" and "police perjury" and other mis-doings as it applied in general and to the JFK Assassination in particular. This sort of culture contributed to the cover-up of the Secret Service accidents and mis-deeds. One would hope that the culture is changing, given the recent convictions in the George Floyd wrongful death and so on, but apparently is still to slow to change, given that the government still has not come clean about the case. You can read all about "Oswald's Wallet and Police Culture" here.
The problem with not having an active PacerMonitor account (which costs money, and right now my budget is non-existent) is that such a lack makes the Mary Ferrell lawsuit more difficult to follow. (PacerMonitor.com is the means by which the public can follow what's happening in various court cases.) It seems that there was a decision in mid-July (which I didn't see in either the little bit of Pacer info that I've been able to see or in the Mary Ferrell website) that "while allowing the foundation to seek immediate release of all still-redacted assassination records created due to legislative action by the Church Committee and the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the right to investigate the history of the government documents destroyed in the course of three JFK investigations, and the right to compel improvements in the usability of the National Archives' JFK Collection." The Mary Ferrell website has posted this full ruling on its website at https://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/files/jfkrecordslawsuit/mffvbiden_2023-07-14_orderGrantingInPartAndDenyingInPart.pdf It's hard to wade through the legalese, but from what I can gather, all the Mary Ferrell Foundation people (and the public) are going to get is unreacted versions of documents that have been previously posted. Apparently, what has been withheld is still going to continue to be withheld. (Note that the Mary Ferrell Foundation et. al. filed a "Third Amended Complaint for Damages, Injunctive Relief, and Declaratory Relief" on September 11, so there may be a future update based on that filing.)
This is beyond infuriating, because it means that there will never be a public apology for the lies that have been shoved down the throats of the American public, not even an admittance that lies were told to the American public. It will be up to honest researchers, myself included, to demonstrate that we have been consistently lied to, evidence fabricated and altered, etc, but I fear that only those people who bother to look at our work (published in obscure books and documentary videos) will ever know, not the public at large, who will remain mostly ignorant of the level of deceit to which we have been subjected, and fewer still who will understand the "benign" reason behind the cover-up. That is why I remain angry. I haven't made any money off my work (and it seems more and more unlikely that I ever will), but I am pissed enough to keep at it. Don't expect me to give up. However little impact I may make on the world, it is the only way I have to fight back against the forces of authoritarian fascism that threaten true democracy.
However, all is not completely lost. Judge Seeborg's ruling is supposed to make the NARA database/search system more user-friendly. Prior to the ruling, as the Mary Ferrell site notes:
But NARA's database is incomplete - it is missing literally every record of the Secret Service, National Security Agency, National Security Council, and Army Investigative Records Repository, and additionally is missing many of the records released by the FBI and other agencies. Indeed, well over a thousand of the records put online by NARA since 2017 do not have corresponding entries in the database. So the actual number of released records is greater than 319,106, probably by several thousands. Its metadata is also not entirely current, particularly the "current status" field which records whether a record is withheld in full, open in full, or released with redactions. (https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_of_JFK_Releases_2023.html)
Going to the NARA website to search for, say, the Shanklin Secret Service memo (that puts "the gun that apparently killed the President" in the hands of the Secret Service shortly after the assassination) that John Hunt showed in his no longer available article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet" (It's fortunate I downloaded the image before the article disappeared.) was an impossible task not only because of the decidedly user-unfriendly search engine, but also because Secret Service records have not been available in its database! Hopefully, all that will change. We'll see.
However, I doubt that making the search function more usable and filling in some of the redactions will make much difference in public perception.
What's funny, if "funny" can be used as a descriptor, is that over the years of document releases, some of the later documents released (which were supposed to be less redacted than those previously released) are actually more redacted than the same documents that were previously released! In other words, some information that was publicly available in earlier document releases was subsequently redacted in later releases of the same documents. See https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_of_JFK_Releases_2023.html. Scroll down to the section titled "Haphazard Redactions." This, in my view, was to add to the mountains of haystacks one must wade through in order to find any proverbial needle.
In other news, Dr. David Mantik's website seems to be back up and running (www.themantikview.org"--be sure to use ".org" in the URL or you will not get to the right place.) I recently watched a video of an interview which he links to on his website entitled "A Detailed Summary of My JFK X-Ray Findings" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw2JtxQ4a0A) In this video, he points out that the "halo" from this shot that many witnesses saw was due to its being the second head shot, because blood had accumulated in the brain cavity after the first shot, and that's what caused the "halo." He believes, like me, that the "spray" seen in the extant Zapruder frame 313 was a forgery that was added to the film later, and he puts this head shot with the halo when the limousine was further down Elm Street, as I do. However, I don't know why he insists on putting the first head shot at the "Moorman" location (Z313), despite agreeing that the frame was altered to add the "spray." The only reason Moorman believed that the shot she heard at about the time she took her picture was the one that "got" Kennedy was because she saw him "slumped" in her photograph. But in the Altgens 6 photo, he can be seen to be already in the decorticate posture "chest grab" position. That decorticate posture position is indicative of severe head trauma, and I give one solid witness (Alan Smith) to Kennedy being struck "in the forehead" just after the turn, another solid witness that there was a shot just after the turn (Pierce Allman), and other more vague witnesses that something had happened earlier than previously supposed (e.g., Karen Westbrook, who saw his "hair fly up" and the "awful, stunned expression"as Kennedy was approaching her position). My documentary explains more. I contend that the shot that occurred when the limo was at the Moorman photograph/Z313 position was actually the one that struck Connally.
(August/September, 2023)
Secret Service agent Paul Landis admitted to finding a bullet in the President's limousine, and putting it on his stretcher in Trauma Room One. Just how many "stretcher bullets" were there? You can read all about it in my article "Multiple Stretcher Bullets
I moved the information about this
You can also check out the Mary Ferrell website for their posted updates.
(July, 2023)
In the Mary Ferrell lawsuit against President Biden, Judge Seeborg (rightly) decided to reject the Government's motion to dismiss. Unfortunately, the next date for anything to happen is August 17, which is for "preliminary" proceedings.
Gaaahh! Why is this taking so long?
(June, 2023)
For those interested in the goings-on of my personal life, I've added a page here (where you can read a tribute to my Mom, who just passed, and updates on my brother's situation) to keep it separate from the JFK Assassination information.
The most recent development in the Mary Ferrell v. Joseph R. Biden lawsuit is that the government has filed yet another motion to dismiss, and (as expected) the attorneys for the Mary Ferrell Foundation and Josiah Thompson filed responses opposing that motion and supporting that opposition. The judge, meanwhile, granted some sort of "administration relief." (I ran out of free articles on my Pacer account to view court documents, so I can't actually read what sort of "relief" the judge granted, and I don't have the $$ to pay for full access.) As of yet, no major media announcements, and nothing on the Mary Ferrell website. Also meanwhile, a number of (largely meaningless) documents have been released. The government's defensive tactic seems to be delay, drip, delay, drip, delay, delay, drip, delay....
If the defense prevails, it will mean that legislated mandates (The JFK Records Act) for requiring transparency and disclosure are essentially meaningless.
The question everyone seems to agree upon is, "What are they hiding?" Watch my documentary, and see if that doesn't answer the question! (I spoke with someone just yesterday (5/7) who said that the cover-up of the AR-15 accident is what "makes the most sense.")
Slightly Older News:
The Mary Ferrell lawsuit was scheduled to go to court on Ap[ril 28. The Biden attorneys filed a motion to dismiss (basically, to paraphrase, because "the President has the power to classify or declassify whatever he wants"), and the Mary Farrell et. al. attorneys filed a response that the JFK Records Act unequivocally states that the materials shall be released (no matter how embarrassing). You can read the motion and responses on the Mary Ferrell website here.
As far as my attempt to file an Amicus Brief (the judge dismissed it on the basis that I am a researchers, and no one is making the declaration that the attorneys are incompetent), I sent a letter asking for the decision to dismiss my Amicus Brief filing to be reconsidered, because my perspective certainly is unique, and my information is not necessarily what the attorneys would have (basically the two reasons anyone would have for filing an amicus brief). I haven't yet heard back. We'll see what happens. I've done what I could. The rest is out of my hands.
Older News:
I attempted to submit an Amicus Brief in conjunction with the Mary Ferrell Foundation's lawsuit against Joe Biden and NARA. You can read all about it and download the Brief here. The judge apparently rejected it, because the reasons for filing an Amicus are that the attorney/s are incompetent (not the case, although they may not be aware of all the facts) or because the Amicus has "unique knowledge" (I doubt the attorneys have all the facts about the case that I have, and might be unaware of how the "Reynolds" Supreme Court precedence was based on a fraudulent claim) and/or a "unique perspective" (definitely the case). I have since written to ask for reconsideration, stating very briefly (in 2 pages) why my knowledge and perspective are "unique." Although I do not give all the reasons for my scenario in my Brief, I do attempt to give compelling reasons why the official story does not "hang together" properly, and some of the supporting evidence for the "accidental shot" scenario. You may also be interested in the Cooperative "Agreement between the CIA and the Secret Service" (which I found during a brief side-track while double-checking all my links for the brief). This Agreement basically states that while there was no such Agreement in force at the time of the document's writing (HSCA era), but the "death of the President" (!) was a trigger for such an agreement between the two agencies to occur. One might rightfully ask "Why?" My scenario gives a plausible explanation.
I will let you know what happens. Hopefully some good will come of it. I really need something (by way of personal financial windfall for being the one who solved the case) to happen now, as my Mom's house is "under contract" and is expected to close sometime in April. (Update: my brother and his dog are being evicted on April 28. He currently has no place to go. It's very stressful. I'm not the one who's about to lose my place to live, and I've developed IBS, sleep loss issues, and uncontrollable eye twitches, among other things.) The "Introductory Hearing" for the Mary Ferrell lawsuit is set for March 1. (Update: now set for April 28, coincidentally the same day my brother is being evicted. One wonders if cosmic forces are aligned to cause major changes on that day.) God alone knows how long the case will take to reach a decision, and whether that decision will be appealed. I personally need those suppressed files to be released now, so that someone with a boatload of cash hires me to be a movie consultant or some such, before my brother becomes homeless. (Update: too late for that, but I could still use the money.)
I'm still working on my Zapruder Film article, which is not quite ready for public consumption just yet, and a lot of the information can be found in Part 4: "The Time-Clock" of my documentary series. However, there is a (slight) correction I need to make on one of my observations. The Zapruder Film is still fake (demonstrably so), but what I thought was supposed to be Connally's seat-back is actually a "reflection" off Kennedy's seat back. Still fake, though. The angles of Kennedy's left shoulder and arm are still impossible. Plus there are some new observations about the Franzen family and the photographer in the street (Willis?) that are impossible to see except on the stabilized versions of the film as posted by Dr. John Costella. Please stay tuned. I'll get that article up soon, but family matters have caused delays in my getting JFK stuff done for the moment.
Somewhat Older News:
The December 15 release was disappointing, to say the least. According to Philip Shenon at Politico, "The officials say there are no obvious bombshells in the material expected to be released..." just uncovered redactions and the like.
Nothing to see here. They're still holding back the good stuff. Even the titles of documents are hidden. It ain't just a matter of protecting names of sources (most now dead), or their families, or keeping Social Security numbers private (who the Hell cares about the SS numbers? Can't they just black them out?) You're not even allowed to see what the records are. The Mary Ferrell site identifies 1,151 records known not to have been released (you can read about it here). Biden had previously sent out a CYA letter to the various agencies saying that if something needs to continue to be withheld, please explain why, and describe a "transparency plan" for their release, but you can go to NARA to see how "transparent" the various agencies (CIA, DoD, DoS, FBI, and NARA) are being about why documents still need to be withheld (here). And, of course, a number of important documents (e.g., medical evidence including X-rays) have already gone "missing." Maybe they're still in the Archives hiding under some obscure document number (about the only way the documents are identified)? Who knows. A girl can hope.
On the December, 2022 Release:
The Mary Ferrell website (had this to say:
(Note on 12/15/2022 JFK Releases) On December 15, the National Archives released online 13,173 documents from the JFK Collection, out of roughly 15,000 remaining. While disclosures are welcome, this release falls short. Unfortunately, in many thousands of cases the new document simply features fewer redactions than previously (and in many cases there is almost no change). This release is much like those in 2017, 2018, and 2021, and is nowhere near the full disclosure required by law. Judge John Tunheim, who chaired the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s, told NBC News "We’re 59 years after President John Kennedy was killed and there’s just no justification for this." (https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/2021_Document_Releases.html)
The Mary Ferrell site lists documents known to exist that have not been released as they are supposed to have been. Among the things not released are the William Manchester interviews with Jacqueline and Robert Kennedy. (Remember, Manchester was the one who described Jackie's grief as "what was so horrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak,...")
The National Archives has online versions of Biden's letter to the heads of the CIA, DOD, DOS, FBI, and NARA, and their responses. The excuses for withholding info runs the gamut of protecting sources and CIA locations to withholding personal info (like Social Security numbers, which I care nothing about), to refusing to release items that would disclose "specific intelligence operational details, such as tradecraft and intelligent methods,..." Are they calling the alteration of the Zapruder Film and other aspects of the cover-up "operational details" and "tradecraft"? Give me a f***ing break!
I don't have the money to bring my own lawsuit, so I have to rely on the Mary Ferrell lawsuit to bring about the release of the documents needed to prove to the general public that I am correct. I tried to write to them back when, but they seemed uninterested in my information (which is why I sent the Amicus Brief).
According to an email to me from the Mary Ferrell Foundation (11/24/22), their lawsuit:
"is focused exclusively on fulfillment of the JFK Records Collection Act - the declassification of documents in the collection which still feature redactions, and related matters related to records release.
Naturally I am hoping that the Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit will result in a public acknowledgement that the Zapruder Film, autopsy images, etc., have been "physically altered," and that a CIA-led cover-up occurred. Without that acknowledgement, there are individuals (including those who should know better!) who will continue to refuse to believe that the Zapruder Film is a fraud, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Therefore, the case will continue to remain an "unsolved mystery" to those who refuse to believe that such alterations were made, and to those who refuse to consider the "Secret Service accident" scenario.
My solution is "not sexy" (the reason Howard Donahue's daughter Colleen gave for her father's theory not catching on) but I am certain it is correct. What they are mainly hiding is the Secret Service's FUBAR response to the assassination, and especially the extent to which that was covered up.
On the Zapruder Film:
The Mary Ferrell website people and others seem convinced about strong Oswald/CIA ties, and they may be right, for all I know. (Honestly, I can't see Oswald as having been anything more than a rogue low-level informant, at the most). But Oswald as a rogue CIA asset does not explain the cover-up of what happened in Dealey Plaza as the shots were being fired, as my research does. Or all the evidence pointing to cover-up of what happened in Dealey Plaza.
I am certain that a huge part of the cover-up was to hide the Secret Service's f***ed up response to the shots being fired. That cover-up included alteration of the Zapruder Film and other assassination films/photographs were altered, as well as X-rays and autopsy photographs (a claim supported by the analyses of qualified experts).
The hardest part of convincing people of my scenario is to get them to accept that the Zapruder Film, autopsy X-rays, and autopsy photographs were altered. I've tried to present evidence for that in may documentary. After all, when the technician who took the X-rays and one of the photographers who took the pictures say that the publicly available ones are "fake" and "phony" and "not what they took," it really is time to pay attention.
And while Zapruder himself never admitted that the extant film was an altered product, the evidence is that it was altered.
But getting people to realize that is a tough task.
But if you have any doubts that these were altered, you can check out some of the Z-film anomalies in my "Anomalies" article, watch Part 4 of my documentary series, check out optical expert John Costella's analysis of the "Pincushion Mistake" and "Blur Mistake" and so on, listen to Linda Willis describe alterations to her father's assassination pictures ("physically altered, because there was something in them that the Secret Service did not want known"), look up Dr. David Mantik's (many online sites, including this one) and Dr. Michael Chesser's analyses of autopsy images, watch the relevant episodes of my documentary series (especially Parts 4 and 5). ARRB Analyst Doug Horne gives us the time-frame for when the CIA altered the film at its "Hawkeye Works" site in his description of "The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events." James Fetzer (editor of The Great Zapruder Film Hoax) was discredited with his book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, but the individual contributors to The Great Zapruder Film Hoax are credible, reliable authorities.
As Bonar Menninger wrote, "One of the enduring mysteries about the shooting was that literally dozens of witnesses claimed the presidential limo slowed to a dead crawl and perhaps even stopped as shots rang out. Yet the Zapruder film appears to show the motorcade rolling at a constant speed of 11 mph on the fateful journey down Elm Street." It's not such a "mystery" if you consider that the film is an altered product. It's value as "evidence" is worthless.
Will our government ever come clean about the Secret Service FUBAR response to the shots and the subsequent cover-up? I dunno. We apparently live in a "National Security" State, where "State Secrets" rule the day.
"State Secrets" Precedent Based on a Lie
I have posted a new article entitled "The Supreme Court, "State Secrets," and Cover-Up" outlining how U.S. Supreme Court decisions allow the U.S. government to willy-nilly claim "State Secrets Privilege" to hide anything it wants to hide--including accidents caused by negligence. See my article: The Supreme Court, “State Secrets,” and Cover-Up .
This use of "State Secrets" Privilege to allow the government to hide anything it wants to hide--including fatal accidents caused by negligence! and illegal behaviors (such as torture, but in the JFK assassination case, alterations to evidence the public should have a right to see in unaltered form, and failing to admit to those alterations despite a legal requirement to release all evidence must end!!!! The original weaponization of the term "conspiracy theorists" to apply to critics of the Warren Report has led to the lumping of honest, earnest, fact-based researchers (like me) with the likes of the actual nuts (Q-Anon cultists and the like), but to those who would believe that our government would "never" engage in unethical behaviors, I point out known instances such as the MK-Ultra experiments, the Tuskagee medical experiments, the alcohol poisoning during Prohibition, and others. Granted, those are all "old news" (and when I tried to present my work to agents of the Secret Service and FBI, their response was the same: "This all happened before we were born. Why should we care?), but the Supreme Court decision allowing "State Secrets" privilege to apply to torture happened in March of 2022.
I am not done fighting. My resources are limited, and my brother may end up homeless as expected, but never underestimate the abilities of a pissed-off, public-minded, woman citizen determined not to live in a "National Security State."
I had meant to create a "Bonus Episode" to my documentary series on the "Multiple Stretcher Bullets." However, with my Mom's decline and then her passing, I never got around to it. But the recent Paul Landis revelation has stirred up a renewed interest in the case, and so instead of creating another episode to my documentary series, I've written an article: "Multiple Stretcher Bullets AKA The Connally Bullet Revisited." Among other things, article contains "The Shanklin Memo," which I had pulled off the late John Hunt's article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet." Hunt's article is no longer available on the JFKLancer site, so aside from being shown in one of my documentary videos, this is about the only place you can find it. Presumably it's buried in the NARA documents somewhere, but finding it on their websites a daunting challenge. (If anyone can provide the NARA link to that document, I'd be very grateful.) Otherwise, the article pulls together all the information about the mutually exclusive history of "the two stretcher bullets" and the Connally wrist fragments, and adds some unique observations and conclusions about existing evidence. Again, you can read it here.
(January, 2024)
While working on my screenplay, I was re-reading the Parkland doctor testimonies, and realized that one obscure witness, Dr. Paul Peters, had something very interesting to say--namely, that the Parkland doctors were speculating, while JFK was in Trauma Room One, whether he had been shot in the head once or twice. You can read about it here.
(December, 2023)
No surprise that there is yet another delay in the Mary Ferrell lawsuit. There was a ruling on December 14 on the Mary Ferrell et. al. motion for "Preliminary Injunction: Declaratory Relief, or Mandamus Ordering NARA to Publicly Disclose Legislative Records Pursuant to the JFK Records Act," and the ruling was to set a hearing on January 18, 2024. There was a subsequent "amendment" filing by Mary Ferrell et. al. on December 18 "to order NARA to Collect All Assassination Records and to Halt Advising Researchers to File FOIA Actions Rather than JFK Act Requests" (apparently to reduce the run-around researchers are faced with when requesting documents, but does not really address how user-unfriendly the NARA website is.) So we will have to wait until the later half of January to see if anything new develops. (I let my Pacer account expire, since finances are so tight, but you can get the gist of what's going on by going to https://pacermonitor.com and search for "Mary Ferrell Foundation, Inc. v. Biden et al". The Mary Ferrell website posts more details at no charge, at https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/JFK_Records_Lawsuit.html, but it takes them a while to update their site with the info, and they're somewhat selective about what they post.)
Well, the Mary Ferrell lawsuit ain't quite over just yet. Despite all the disappointments so far, there is another hearing set for December 14. You can read about the most recent developments on the Mary Ferrell website here.
In other news, I've been following a few JFK assassination podcasters lately. One is JFK: The Enduring Secret by Jeff Crudele, which is a very long and very detailed (nearly 200 episodes so far) collection of "wanderings" about the JFK Assassination. I'd recommend it, except in Episode 195, he dismisses the "Hickey did it" theory calling it "a completely unfounded rumor or theory." I tried to email Crudele to tell him that he had thrown the baby out with the bathwater in his premature dismissal, but have not heard back. Crudele also, apparently, believes that the Zapruder Film is authentic. *Sigh.*
Another podcaster is Rob Reiner, who is releasing weekly episodes of a podcast Who Killed JFK, with Soledad O'Brien. Reiner told MSNBC's Ari Melber that he had "solved" the JFK Assassination. It remains to be seen where this podcast is going. (I once wrote to MSNBC, among others, suggesting that they look at my work, but heard back crickets. Then again, I don't have the Hollywood fame that Reiner has.) I wrote to Soledad O'Brien, as the only contact I could find, and like Crudele, like MSNBC, like so many others I have tried to contact over the years...more crickets.
Unless you're already famous (like Reiner), it is impossible to gain any attention for doing something remarkable and important. When I did my local library presentation last year, I tried to contact the local press, but they weren't interested. This year, my library presentation didn't happen because of issues at the library and some of my own medical issues. We're scheduling my library presentation for after the New Year, but attendance the last few years has been very small--either Covid-related, or people just don't care. I don't know which, but it's very frustrating.
Meanwhile, now that my Mom is gone, I've been more actively looking for work. There was an English teacher position in my local school district that I applied for (my "Letter of Excellence" for my performance on the Praxis test to get my NJ certification makes me a "Highly Qualified" candidate). I didn't get the job (although there were some interview questions that I wish I had answered differently, I suspect that they didn't want to hire a woman in her 60's), so I have plenty of time to work on my screenplay project.
It's just so frustrating that with the slow-walking of the government agencies' "transparency plans" and the refusal of the government to admit to the cover-up, it seems that day will come later rather than sooner.
In the meantime, I remain a Cassandra--I know I'm right, but no one listens to me.
(November, 2023)
National Geographic has a new documentary out this month, available on the Paramount + Channel (subscription required) entitled JFK: What the Doctors Saw, featuring "never before aired" 2013 clips from a gathering of Parkland Hospital doctors who saw JFK in Trauma Room One. Their remarks only further prove that the autopsy photographs and X-rays were intentionally altered. This documentary also has some very brief clips of Floyd Reibe and Jerrol Custer, the individuals who actually took the pictures and the autopsy X-rays, who hold up pictures showing an intact back of the head while describing that area as being "gone." Read my summary of JFK: What the Doctors Saw here. I am hopeful that with the release of this documentary, people will start to recognize the lengths to which certain people in our government were willing to go to cover up the truth of what happened, especially revolving around the AR-15 accident and the Secret Service inaction to the first shot. The Nat Geo documentary implies that the frontal shot came from the Triple Underpass, but Part 6: "The Kill Shot" of my documentary gives witnesses who put it as the first shot in the assassination sequence, near the corner of Houston and Elm, and attribute that shot to the 6th floor TSBD (Oswald).
In other news, the Mary Ferrell lawsuit ain't quite over just yet. Apparently there is another hearing set for December 10 to deal with the "Transparency" Plans of NARA, the Secret Service, etc. The "Transparency" plans are currently anything but transparent. Some of that may be related to the extremely user-unfriendly database that NARA publicly operates. Try searching NARA for the "HSCA Secret Service Agents' Interviews," for example. Or the "FBI Gemberling Report." You can't find 'em. The JFK Lancer site used to have the HSCA interviews, but the JFK Lancer site doesn't work any more. (They're also the ones who hosted the John Hunt article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet"--and try finding the documents Hunt posted in his article on the NARA website! They can't be readily found, either. The Mary Ferrell website has the Gemberling report, if you dig around deep enough, but it takes a bit of doing.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the assassination, and it's super frustrating that there is STILL no admission of culpability in the alteration of evidence (autopsy images and Zapruder film), much less a release of the remaining documents. In the meantime, I keep plugging away, despite the lack of money or recognition. Maybe someday, eventually, it will all pay off. I'm working on a screen play to dramatize what happened, but probably that, too, will be for nothing. Nevertheless, I persist.
In the meantime, I learned the name of the FBI agent that Hickey assaulted at Parkland Hospital (J. Doyle Williams). There was some hearsay account that Williams was the one who put the bullet on the stretcher, but since Williams' jaw was broken and all that happened very shortly after Kennedy arrived at Parkland (when Charles Crenshaw was on his way to Trauma Room One), I have my doubts that Willams actually had anything to do with the stretcher bullet. He may, however, have seen Landis putting it on the stretcher, or tried to obtain the bullet on behalf of the FBI after it was taken out of the room--and that may have been when he got clobbered by Hickey. It is apparent in Williams' accounts that Roy Kellerman was also present when the event happened, and after the assault, Kellerman leaned over Williams and told Williams, "Perhaps you'd better leave." The friend who gave me Williams' name told me that Williams had sued the Secret Service for the assault. I haven't been able to verify that yet, but there is a memo (from D.J. Brennan, Jr. to V.C. Sullivan, dated 2/13/64) describing how the FBI "Liaison Agent Bartlett" visited Secret Service Chief Rowley and got an apology on behalf of the Secret Service. Perhaps that apology was accepted, since Williams apparently was the Connally stand-in for the Secret Service re-enactment of the assassination. Go figure.
(October, 2023)
I put the information I had previously posted in September's News about the Paul Landis revelation into its own web page. You can find my article "Multiple Stretcher Bullets and the Paul Landis Revelation" here.
I wrote a short piece about the "Flash of Light and Puff of Smoke" some witnesses reported seeing in Dealey Plaza, linking them to the AR-15. You can read it here.
I also wrote a rebuttal to Dr. David Mantik's chapter "The Limousine Redux" in his new book The JFK Assassination Decoded: Criminal Forgery in the AutopsyPhotographs and X-rays. Nobody knows more about the JFK X-rays than Dr. Mantik, but that is really where his expertise ends. He made some mistakes in evaluating other evidence, and his glass shard causing the throat wound theory, while interesting, is wrong. I explain why. You can read more about it in "'The Limousine Redux' Reduced" here.
I also just re-vamped an article from my old website, about how Oswald's wallet was really found at the Tippit murder scene (rather than taken off him in the police car after he was arrested) and discuss the culture of law enforcement "testilying" and "police perjury" and other mis-doings as it applied in general and to the JFK Assassination in particular. This sort of culture contributed to the cover-up of the Secret Service accidents and mis-deeds. One would hope that the culture is changing, given the recent convictions in the George Floyd wrongful death and so on, but apparently is still to slow to change, given that the government still has not come clean about the case. You can read all about "Oswald's Wallet and Police Culture" here.
The problem with not having an active PacerMonitor account (which costs money, and right now my budget is non-existent) is that such a lack makes the Mary Ferrell lawsuit more difficult to follow. (PacerMonitor.com is the means by which the public can follow what's happening in various court cases.) It seems that there was a decision in mid-July (which I didn't see in either the little bit of Pacer info that I've been able to see or in the Mary Ferrell website) that "while allowing the foundation to seek immediate release of all still-redacted assassination records created due to legislative action by the Church Committee and the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the right to investigate the history of the government documents destroyed in the course of three JFK investigations, and the right to compel improvements in the usability of the National Archives' JFK Collection." The Mary Ferrell website has posted this full ruling on its website at https://www.maryferrell.org/wiki/files/jfkrecordslawsuit/mffvbiden_2023-07-14_orderGrantingInPartAndDenyingInPart.pdf It's hard to wade through the legalese, but from what I can gather, all the Mary Ferrell Foundation people (and the public) are going to get is unreacted versions of documents that have been previously posted. Apparently, what has been withheld is still going to continue to be withheld. (Note that the Mary Ferrell Foundation et. al. filed a "Third Amended Complaint for Damages, Injunctive Relief, and Declaratory Relief" on September 11, so there may be a future update based on that filing.)
This is beyond infuriating, because it means that there will never be a public apology for the lies that have been shoved down the throats of the American public, not even an admittance that lies were told to the American public. It will be up to honest researchers, myself included, to demonstrate that we have been consistently lied to, evidence fabricated and altered, etc, but I fear that only those people who bother to look at our work (published in obscure books and documentary videos) will ever know, not the public at large, who will remain mostly ignorant of the level of deceit to which we have been subjected, and fewer still who will understand the "benign" reason behind the cover-up. That is why I remain angry. I haven't made any money off my work (and it seems more and more unlikely that I ever will), but I am pissed enough to keep at it. Don't expect me to give up. However little impact I may make on the world, it is the only way I have to fight back against the forces of authoritarian fascism that threaten true democracy.
However, all is not completely lost. Judge Seeborg's ruling is supposed to make the NARA database/search system more user-friendly. Prior to the ruling, as the Mary Ferrell site notes:
But NARA's database is incomplete - it is missing literally every record of the Secret Service, National Security Agency, National Security Council, and Army Investigative Records Repository, and additionally is missing many of the records released by the FBI and other agencies. Indeed, well over a thousand of the records put online by NARA since 2017 do not have corresponding entries in the database. So the actual number of released records is greater than 319,106, probably by several thousands. Its metadata is also not entirely current, particularly the "current status" field which records whether a record is withheld in full, open in full, or released with redactions. (https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_of_JFK_Releases_2023.html)
Going to the NARA website to search for, say, the Shanklin Secret Service memo (that puts "the gun that apparently killed the President" in the hands of the Secret Service shortly after the assassination) that John Hunt showed in his no longer available article "The Mystery of the 7:30 Bullet" (It's fortunate I downloaded the image before the article disappeared.) was an impossible task not only because of the decidedly user-unfriendly search engine, but also because Secret Service records have not been available in its database! Hopefully, all that will change. We'll see.
However, I doubt that making the search function more usable and filling in some of the redactions will make much difference in public perception.
What's funny, if "funny" can be used as a descriptor, is that over the years of document releases, some of the later documents released (which were supposed to be less redacted than those previously released) are actually more redacted than the same documents that were previously released! In other words, some information that was publicly available in earlier document releases was subsequently redacted in later releases of the same documents. See https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_of_JFK_Releases_2023.html. Scroll down to the section titled "Haphazard Redactions." This, in my view, was to add to the mountains of haystacks one must wade through in order to find any proverbial needle.
In other news, Dr. David Mantik's website seems to be back up and running (www.themantikview.org"--be sure to use ".org" in the URL or you will not get to the right place.) I recently watched a video of an interview which he links to on his website entitled "A Detailed Summary of My JFK X-Ray Findings" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw2JtxQ4a0A) In this video, he points out that the "halo" from this shot that many witnesses saw was due to its being the second head shot, because blood had accumulated in the brain cavity after the first shot, and that's what caused the "halo." He believes, like me, that the "spray" seen in the extant Zapruder frame 313 was a forgery that was added to the film later, and he puts this head shot with the halo when the limousine was further down Elm Street, as I do. However, I don't know why he insists on putting the first head shot at the "Moorman" location (Z313), despite agreeing that the frame was altered to add the "spray." The only reason Moorman believed that the shot she heard at about the time she took her picture was the one that "got" Kennedy was because she saw him "slumped" in her photograph. But in the Altgens 6 photo, he can be seen to be already in the decorticate posture "chest grab" position. That decorticate posture position is indicative of severe head trauma, and I give one solid witness (Alan Smith) to Kennedy being struck "in the forehead" just after the turn, another solid witness that there was a shot just after the turn (Pierce Allman), and other more vague witnesses that something had happened earlier than previously supposed (e.g., Karen Westbrook, who saw his "hair fly up" and the "awful, stunned expression"as Kennedy was approaching her position). My documentary explains more. I contend that the shot that occurred when the limo was at the Moorman photograph/Z313 position was actually the one that struck Connally.
(August/September, 2023)
Secret Service agent Paul Landis admitted to finding a bullet in the President's limousine, and putting it on his stretcher in Trauma Room One. Just how many "stretcher bullets" were there? You can read all about it in my article "Multiple Stretcher Bullets
I moved the information about this
You can also check out the Mary Ferrell website for their posted updates.
(July, 2023)
In the Mary Ferrell lawsuit against President Biden, Judge Seeborg (rightly) decided to reject the Government's motion to dismiss. Unfortunately, the next date for anything to happen is August 17, which is for "preliminary" proceedings.
Gaaahh! Why is this taking so long?
(June, 2023)
For those interested in the goings-on of my personal life, I've added a page here (where you can read a tribute to my Mom, who just passed, and updates on my brother's situation) to keep it separate from the JFK Assassination information.
The most recent development in the Mary Ferrell v. Joseph R. Biden lawsuit is that the government has filed yet another motion to dismiss, and (as expected) the attorneys for the Mary Ferrell Foundation and Josiah Thompson filed responses opposing that motion and supporting that opposition. The judge, meanwhile, granted some sort of "administration relief." (I ran out of free articles on my Pacer account to view court documents, so I can't actually read what sort of "relief" the judge granted, and I don't have the $$ to pay for full access.) As of yet, no major media announcements, and nothing on the Mary Ferrell website. Also meanwhile, a number of (largely meaningless) documents have been released. The government's defensive tactic seems to be delay, drip, delay, drip, delay, delay, drip, delay....
If the defense prevails, it will mean that legislated mandates (The JFK Records Act) for requiring transparency and disclosure are essentially meaningless.
The question everyone seems to agree upon is, "What are they hiding?" Watch my documentary, and see if that doesn't answer the question! (I spoke with someone just yesterday (5/7) who said that the cover-up of the AR-15 accident is what "makes the most sense.")
Slightly Older News:
The Mary Ferrell lawsuit was scheduled to go to court on Ap[ril 28. The Biden attorneys filed a motion to dismiss (basically, to paraphrase, because "the President has the power to classify or declassify whatever he wants"), and the Mary Farrell et. al. attorneys filed a response that the JFK Records Act unequivocally states that the materials shall be released (no matter how embarrassing). You can read the motion and responses on the Mary Ferrell website here.
As far as my attempt to file an Amicus Brief (the judge dismissed it on the basis that I am a researchers, and no one is making the declaration that the attorneys are incompetent), I sent a letter asking for the decision to dismiss my Amicus Brief filing to be reconsidered, because my perspective certainly is unique, and my information is not necessarily what the attorneys would have (basically the two reasons anyone would have for filing an amicus brief). I haven't yet heard back. We'll see what happens. I've done what I could. The rest is out of my hands.
Older News:
I attempted to submit an Amicus Brief in conjunction with the Mary Ferrell Foundation's lawsuit against Joe Biden and NARA. You can read all about it and download the Brief here. The judge apparently rejected it, because the reasons for filing an Amicus are that the attorney/s are incompetent (not the case, although they may not be aware of all the facts) or because the Amicus has "unique knowledge" (I doubt the attorneys have all the facts about the case that I have, and might be unaware of how the "Reynolds" Supreme Court precedence was based on a fraudulent claim) and/or a "unique perspective" (definitely the case). I have since written to ask for reconsideration, stating very briefly (in 2 pages) why my knowledge and perspective are "unique." Although I do not give all the reasons for my scenario in my Brief, I do attempt to give compelling reasons why the official story does not "hang together" properly, and some of the supporting evidence for the "accidental shot" scenario. You may also be interested in the Cooperative "Agreement between the CIA and the Secret Service" (which I found during a brief side-track while double-checking all my links for the brief). This Agreement basically states that while there was no such Agreement in force at the time of the document's writing (HSCA era), but the "death of the President" (!) was a trigger for such an agreement between the two agencies to occur. One might rightfully ask "Why?" My scenario gives a plausible explanation.
I will let you know what happens. Hopefully some good will come of it. I really need something (by way of personal financial windfall for being the one who solved the case) to happen now, as my Mom's house is "under contract" and is expected to close sometime in April. (Update: my brother and his dog are being evicted on April 28. He currently has no place to go. It's very stressful. I'm not the one who's about to lose my place to live, and I've developed IBS, sleep loss issues, and uncontrollable eye twitches, among other things.) The "Introductory Hearing" for the Mary Ferrell lawsuit is set for March 1. (Update: now set for April 28, coincidentally the same day my brother is being evicted. One wonders if cosmic forces are aligned to cause major changes on that day.) God alone knows how long the case will take to reach a decision, and whether that decision will be appealed. I personally need those suppressed files to be released now, so that someone with a boatload of cash hires me to be a movie consultant or some such, before my brother becomes homeless. (Update: too late for that, but I could still use the money.)
I'm still working on my Zapruder Film article, which is not quite ready for public consumption just yet, and a lot of the information can be found in Part 4: "The Time-Clock" of my documentary series. However, there is a (slight) correction I need to make on one of my observations. The Zapruder Film is still fake (demonstrably so), but what I thought was supposed to be Connally's seat-back is actually a "reflection" off Kennedy's seat back. Still fake, though. The angles of Kennedy's left shoulder and arm are still impossible. Plus there are some new observations about the Franzen family and the photographer in the street (Willis?) that are impossible to see except on the stabilized versions of the film as posted by Dr. John Costella. Please stay tuned. I'll get that article up soon, but family matters have caused delays in my getting JFK stuff done for the moment.
Somewhat Older News:
The December 15 release was disappointing, to say the least. According to Philip Shenon at Politico, "The officials say there are no obvious bombshells in the material expected to be released..." just uncovered redactions and the like.
Nothing to see here. They're still holding back the good stuff. Even the titles of documents are hidden. It ain't just a matter of protecting names of sources (most now dead), or their families, or keeping Social Security numbers private (who the Hell cares about the SS numbers? Can't they just black them out?) You're not even allowed to see what the records are. The Mary Ferrell site identifies 1,151 records known not to have been released (you can read about it here). Biden had previously sent out a CYA letter to the various agencies saying that if something needs to continue to be withheld, please explain why, and describe a "transparency plan" for their release, but you can go to NARA to see how "transparent" the various agencies (CIA, DoD, DoS, FBI, and NARA) are being about why documents still need to be withheld (here). And, of course, a number of important documents (e.g., medical evidence including X-rays) have already gone "missing." Maybe they're still in the Archives hiding under some obscure document number (about the only way the documents are identified)? Who knows. A girl can hope.
On the December, 2022 Release:
The Mary Ferrell website (had this to say:
(Note on 12/15/2022 JFK Releases) On December 15, the National Archives released online 13,173 documents from the JFK Collection, out of roughly 15,000 remaining. While disclosures are welcome, this release falls short. Unfortunately, in many thousands of cases the new document simply features fewer redactions than previously (and in many cases there is almost no change). This release is much like those in 2017, 2018, and 2021, and is nowhere near the full disclosure required by law. Judge John Tunheim, who chaired the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s, told NBC News "We’re 59 years after President John Kennedy was killed and there’s just no justification for this." (https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/2021_Document_Releases.html)
The Mary Ferrell site lists documents known to exist that have not been released as they are supposed to have been. Among the things not released are the William Manchester interviews with Jacqueline and Robert Kennedy. (Remember, Manchester was the one who described Jackie's grief as "what was so horrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak,...")
The National Archives has online versions of Biden's letter to the heads of the CIA, DOD, DOS, FBI, and NARA, and their responses. The excuses for withholding info runs the gamut of protecting sources and CIA locations to withholding personal info (like Social Security numbers, which I care nothing about), to refusing to release items that would disclose "specific intelligence operational details, such as tradecraft and intelligent methods,..." Are they calling the alteration of the Zapruder Film and other aspects of the cover-up "operational details" and "tradecraft"? Give me a f***ing break!
I don't have the money to bring my own lawsuit, so I have to rely on the Mary Ferrell lawsuit to bring about the release of the documents needed to prove to the general public that I am correct. I tried to write to them back when, but they seemed uninterested in my information (which is why I sent the Amicus Brief).
According to an email to me from the Mary Ferrell Foundation (11/24/22), their lawsuit:
"is focused exclusively on fulfillment of the JFK Records Collection Act - the declassification of documents in the collection which still feature redactions, and related matters related to records release.
Naturally I am hoping that the Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit will result in a public acknowledgement that the Zapruder Film, autopsy images, etc., have been "physically altered," and that a CIA-led cover-up occurred. Without that acknowledgement, there are individuals (including those who should know better!) who will continue to refuse to believe that the Zapruder Film is a fraud, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Therefore, the case will continue to remain an "unsolved mystery" to those who refuse to believe that such alterations were made, and to those who refuse to consider the "Secret Service accident" scenario.
My solution is "not sexy" (the reason Howard Donahue's daughter Colleen gave for her father's theory not catching on) but I am certain it is correct. What they are mainly hiding is the Secret Service's FUBAR response to the assassination, and especially the extent to which that was covered up.
On the Zapruder Film:
The Mary Ferrell website people and others seem convinced about strong Oswald/CIA ties, and they may be right, for all I know. (Honestly, I can't see Oswald as having been anything more than a rogue low-level informant, at the most). But Oswald as a rogue CIA asset does not explain the cover-up of what happened in Dealey Plaza as the shots were being fired, as my research does. Or all the evidence pointing to cover-up of what happened in Dealey Plaza.
I am certain that a huge part of the cover-up was to hide the Secret Service's f***ed up response to the shots being fired. That cover-up included alteration of the Zapruder Film and other assassination films/photographs were altered, as well as X-rays and autopsy photographs (a claim supported by the analyses of qualified experts).
The hardest part of convincing people of my scenario is to get them to accept that the Zapruder Film, autopsy X-rays, and autopsy photographs were altered. I've tried to present evidence for that in may documentary. After all, when the technician who took the X-rays and one of the photographers who took the pictures say that the publicly available ones are "fake" and "phony" and "not what they took," it really is time to pay attention.
And while Zapruder himself never admitted that the extant film was an altered product, the evidence is that it was altered.
But getting people to realize that is a tough task.
But if you have any doubts that these were altered, you can check out some of the Z-film anomalies in my "Anomalies" article, watch Part 4 of my documentary series, check out optical expert John Costella's analysis of the "Pincushion Mistake" and "Blur Mistake" and so on, listen to Linda Willis describe alterations to her father's assassination pictures ("physically altered, because there was something in them that the Secret Service did not want known"), look up Dr. David Mantik's (many online sites, including this one) and Dr. Michael Chesser's analyses of autopsy images, watch the relevant episodes of my documentary series (especially Parts 4 and 5). ARRB Analyst Doug Horne gives us the time-frame for when the CIA altered the film at its "Hawkeye Works" site in his description of "The Two NPIC Zapruder Film Events." James Fetzer (editor of The Great Zapruder Film Hoax) was discredited with his book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook, but the individual contributors to The Great Zapruder Film Hoax are credible, reliable authorities.
As Bonar Menninger wrote, "One of the enduring mysteries about the shooting was that literally dozens of witnesses claimed the presidential limo slowed to a dead crawl and perhaps even stopped as shots rang out. Yet the Zapruder film appears to show the motorcade rolling at a constant speed of 11 mph on the fateful journey down Elm Street." It's not such a "mystery" if you consider that the film is an altered product. It's value as "evidence" is worthless.
Will our government ever come clean about the Secret Service FUBAR response to the shots and the subsequent cover-up? I dunno. We apparently live in a "National Security" State, where "State Secrets" rule the day.
"State Secrets" Precedent Based on a Lie
I have posted a new article entitled "The Supreme Court, "State Secrets," and Cover-Up" outlining how U.S. Supreme Court decisions allow the U.S. government to willy-nilly claim "State Secrets Privilege" to hide anything it wants to hide--including accidents caused by negligence. See my article: The Supreme Court, “State Secrets,” and Cover-Up .
This use of "State Secrets" Privilege to allow the government to hide anything it wants to hide--including fatal accidents caused by negligence! and illegal behaviors (such as torture, but in the JFK assassination case, alterations to evidence the public should have a right to see in unaltered form, and failing to admit to those alterations despite a legal requirement to release all evidence must end!!!! The original weaponization of the term "conspiracy theorists" to apply to critics of the Warren Report has led to the lumping of honest, earnest, fact-based researchers (like me) with the likes of the actual nuts (Q-Anon cultists and the like), but to those who would believe that our government would "never" engage in unethical behaviors, I point out known instances such as the MK-Ultra experiments, the Tuskagee medical experiments, the alcohol poisoning during Prohibition, and others. Granted, those are all "old news" (and when I tried to present my work to agents of the Secret Service and FBI, their response was the same: "This all happened before we were born. Why should we care?), but the Supreme Court decision allowing "State Secrets" privilege to apply to torture happened in March of 2022.
I am not done fighting. My resources are limited, and my brother may end up homeless as expected, but never underestimate the abilities of a pissed-off, public-minded, woman citizen determined not to live in a "National Security State."